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They opened a manga cafe not too far from me

Gonna go drink boba and read comics

Anti trans rules ohio 

The rules are outlined here, if you look closely you'll see that they have protected the forced mutilation of intersex babies so that their genitals match a cis person's. This will kill trans people. I personally will need to flee the state if this goes through. I and most other trans people in the state will not be able to receive hrt in a timely manner. I and most other trans people in the state will not be able to afford what the rule requires.

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Anti trans rules ohio 

Ohio is planning on placing extremely strict restrictions on adults and minors transitioning. I will link the pdf along with the website where you can give your opinion, but this is urgent. This new rule bars anyone under 21 from receiving any gender transitioning care unless they have a 6 month long mental health evaluation and bans any health care facilities from prescribing hrt to anyone unless they employ or have a contractual relationship with a psychiatrist and an endocrinologist. This will slow down hrt prescriptions and surgical procedures down to a halt and will stop many people whose insurance does not cover a facility with both an endocrinologist and a psychiatrist from receiving any transitioning care in the state of Ohio. Gender reassignment surgery is defined to include vasectomies and hysterectomies so any trans person will be nearly unable to receive either of those surgeries unless it is an emergency.

#trans #transgender #translegislation #ohio

Tinnitus + auditory processing disorder is an especially hilarious prank for the universe to pull on a linguist. #comics

Trans people took the “grow and change as a person” thing seriously

When Bob saw that chicken on his back, he realized he'd pissed off the tattoo artist.

The downside to using mirrors in telescopes is that we'll never see the space vampires coming.

I saw this spherical cloud today.

(photo: @kernpanik | license: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

today’s Olivia Jaimes Nancy is such a great example of where the modern strip succeeds — Bushmiller wouldn’t make this exact joke about fractals, but this kind of playing around with visual language is exactly what his most groundbreaking comics were all about. It’s both fresh and clearly Nancy

I remember a few years ago, I began watching Lost in Space and I was surprised at how adult and straight forward it was. Until it almost immediately became the Silly Dr Smith show. I figured there was some network meddling there, but not exactly what.

But this makes sense to what I saw. Eventually it got so silly I stopped watching.

Seriously, early Dr. Smith is downright chilling.

I've loved this song since I first heard it, but not knowing Japanese at the time, I wasn't sure what the lyrics were. It wasn't until much much later, that I understood what the song was about. And in particular one stanza.

That one stanza hit me hard the first time I read it. And continues to hit me hard decade laters. It can and will drive me to hopeful tears.

It's very much my attitude for 2024:

"Sad events that stained even my heart blue
"I'll repaint with an angel's paint
"Any way that I want." (24s 13m in)

Another schedule chage to my Saturday Sci-Fi Theater as we've run out of Night Gallery episodes. The new schedule?

The Tomorrow People (1970s)
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Space Precinct

I love the Tomorrow People. It's terrible, but it's also very much got a place in my heart.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.