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Wow, pull quote from Penn Gillette:

“I completely have not used the word Libertarian in describing myself since I got an email during lockdown where a person from a Libertarian organization wrote to me and said, “We’re doing an anti-mask demonstration in Vegas, and obviously we’d like you to head it.” I looked at that email and I went, “The fact they sent me this email is something I need to be very ashamed of, and I need to change.”

Don't these fools understand that each time they criticize my Patreon it only grows stronger?

Via U.S. Embassy London
7:41 AM · Jan 24, 2024:

"An important statement on the latest #tea controversy. 🇺🇸🇬🇧"

I really shouldn't give myself so much grief about my spanish comprehension. I just had a very basic conversation in Spanish with someone, and I understood him, and he understood me.

I know way more Spanish than I give myself credit for. All I need to remember is "raisin" is not "uvas viejas."

I have just spent four hours on the phone between two insurance comapnies and my dermatologist trying to get a Tremfya prescription that is now three weeks late filled. And let me tell you, I herded those cats, but I deserve All The Comfort Foods right now.

The American Healthcare System is a joke.

So, in a recent Street Fighter stream, and few times before, I got some comments from overly competetive folks that called me a joke because I had problems playing Street Fighter on a Sega GamePad layout. (Chill, my dudes)

The main reason is I was always a Super Nintendo gal. Thirty years of Muscle Memory is keyed to that setup, which is totally not the Sega way.

But there's another setup I'm not only good at, I'm even BETTER than a Super Nintendo control pad, and that's a Keyboard. Arrow keys, and 123 for punches and QWE for kicks. I played SSF2T PC so much, as well as all the testing I did for SFJenn all through the 90s ( ), that my fingers can play SF2 just as well as anyone with just keys.

In fact, I'm BETTER at the game on keys than gamepads from all that work.

Sometimes, your transition lessons suddenly start back up. In my case, 24 years later.

When I first transitioned, I wore a lot of makeup. And because Steph was my "Professor of the Femininities" I used her makeup at first. Eventually I got my own makeup, but it was older makeup she was replacing.

As time moved on, and I started buying my own, I just simply kept getting the same kind of makeup over and over again. And as I stopped wearing makeup all the time, I got less and less makeup.

A few years ago, my mother mentioned that she didn't like my makeup, because it lightened my skin too much. And she was right - Steph is lighter complected than I am, and Mom lent me some of hers. It looked great, and I started getting that instead.

And then it got discontinued. Well, as I'm wearing makeup more and more for stuff I'm doing, I'm quickly running out of foundation. I need to buy more, and I've never really bought my own makeup before. I always just used Stephs or Moms and kept buying it when I ran out.

So I'm gonna need to buy some more before I run out...and...well...even though I transitioned in 2000...I kinda don't know how to do make sure I get the right color.

Lessons never end.

Was discussing a way to transfer money from one bank to another today, without incurring a percentage fee, and my mother brought something up I hadn't heard of in FOREVER.

A thing called a...."check." Or "cheque."

It's a piece of paper that says "pull money from account A into account B!"


@JoscelynTransient I think his best friend coming out as trans, and learning what that means and how to support her because that's what he wants to do, may indeed have that effect. but also the implicit biases of society are really hard to notice and wake up to, and people don't always draw the connection from "men in dresses are funny ha ha" to "that's actually transphobic and harmful for lots of reasons". but we can hope. everybody has to start somewhere, and those starts should be celebrated.

I was told, "if you boycott every game that is made using any AI stuff, this will probably be your last year playing most games."

Two years back a bunch of photographers and musicians I followed decided NFTs were the future. I stopped buying their stuff.

NFTs died. Blockchain and crypto are dying.

It's within our power as consumers and creators to say "no."

When someone puts a knife to your throat (and that's what "AI" is to many creatives), you're not obliged to point out your carotid.

@danhon the repeated waves of layoff in the tech industry certainly undermined the assumption that tech workers do not need unions.

you know if it weren't for covid i'd be surprised if we weren't on the cusp of another occupy-style movement, at least one signal is the greater willingness (and demonstrated effectiveness!) to unionize and of strikes but you know, maybe we're also fucking exhausted

I drew a small shrimp just for you please take good care of them

Trolling in the '90s: Saying rancid shit on usenet

Trolling in the 2023rd year of our Lord: "I like javascript"

we've said it before and we'll say it again

it is important that Linux distributions are independent from upstream software developers, that they have their own governance structures and their own experts on how to integrate software into an overall system

that is a feature. that protects people.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.