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Who wants to write the first all emojis novel, "The House of Leaf Emojis"?

Remember when the year 199X was a long ways away, anime friends?

So I think next week's meals will be a redone version of this week's Meat and Rice Bowl. It's good, but it's not....right.

The main issue is that the rice I think had too much water. Instead of being a nice rice bowl, it mushed out into risotto. I followed the instructions in the recipe instead of my general "how to cook rice" recipe, so we'll try it my way this time and see if it comes out better.

Secondly, the bowl itself was really good, but had chilli paste in it. This didn't ruin the bowl, but added a bit of spice flavor I wasn't really expecting. So I 'm gonna try the meal again without it.

Also: Cinnamon Rolls, try #3.

AMAZING interview with a company today, hope it works out. My only fear is that it's a remote company trying to go remote/hybrid based out of Texas.

They've said the job is remote only, but if they decide that I need to move, while it would be a move back to Austin, it would be a move back to TEXAS, and that's not happening any time soon.

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Penn Jillette has renounced libertarianism, having apparently been pushed over the edge by anti-maskers

> Many times when I identified as Libertarian, people said to me, “It’s just rich white guys that don’t want to be told what to do,” and I had a zillion answers to that — and now that seems 100 percent accurate.
> [...]
> I’m going to vote Democrat, maybe that’s all you need to know. I will not vote for a third-party candidate.

so you like conspiracy theories, do you? here's one i'm trying to get off the ground: the OSI model is a LIE. the government doesn't want you to know that TCP/IP has functioned by the principles of quantum entaglement since 1974. there is only the SPAAD protocol--Spooky Packets At A Distance.

(you have to be multiple kinds of nerd to appreciate this one)

anyway! you heard it here first, COVID may interfere with your ability to pass CAPTCHAs

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Musings on the Infocom logo. Or, okay, musings on changes to the Infocom logo that you have to be *incredibly* pedantic to notice without a magnifying glass.

Sorry. Sometimes I go down these side roads.

#Infocom #InteractiveFiction


And no, the fediverse is definitely not immune to this. There's a tendency here to ignore telltale troll behavior if it's coming from an ostensibly left-wing account. We rightly note when blatantly bigoted garbage starts getting spewed and report those accounts, but we need to recognize the non-content tells of a bad actor, too.

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We on the left like to fancy ourselves as smarter and less gullible than the garden-variety trailer trash we assume Trump fans to be. But enough of us did get suckered 8 years ago, and acted on that suckering by voting third party, that we ended up with four of the worst years in modern history.

Unfortunately, I see this nightmare coming back if we don't start countering it now, especially among younger voters who didn't see the first round.

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It's 2016 all over again, and I think the fediverse isn't quite prepared for the growing onslaught of supposedly left-wing bots, trolls, sockpuppets, and nihilist contrarians

Don't forget that it wasn't only right-wing propaganda that flooded social media and fucked us over then. It was stuff aimed at disgruntled Bernie stans, too. And it worked. The lies spread then are even still being circulated, and among people who should damned well know better.

I post that meme "don't ever put me in a situation" and yet I find myself constantly put in situations

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.