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yes, actually, i will shame anyone who enables the election of a fascist with dictatorial aspirations who transparently brags about how he will unleash even more genocide.

biden sucks, but voting third party or non-participation is a vote for fascism in this cycle. yes, biden’s handling of the palestine crisis is atrocious, but trump’s handling will be worse. and trump will genocide many of the people who are protesting loudest for a ceasefire.

Next time someone asks me about "AI" I'm going to belt them with this

They were explaining how this shit worked FOURTY YEARS AGO


It isn’t accepting GEGRATS *OR* DOGLADS?

What kind of crap word puzzle game is this?

a CEO can never be held accountable therefore a CEO must never make a management decision

New hazard index just dropped from Covid-19 Resources Canada and @MoriartyLab. Around 1 in 31 British Columbians (and 1 in 19 Canadians) have COVID-19 right now. Full info at

Compared to lowest point of the pandemic so far in BC:

🔴 Infections ~7.8X higher
🔴 Long COVID ~4.5X higher
🔴 Hospitalizations ~12.3X higher (up from the last forecast)
🔴 Deaths ~10.6X higher

Stay safe out there: ventilate, vaccinate, educate, mitigate 😷 And remember to tell the Canadian government to fund COVID safety by February 9th:

#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #canpoli

Do you, or have you ever, used a graphical user interface? If you use #Windows, #macOS, or any version of #Linux with a window manager or desktop environment, you can thank Dr. Clarence "Skip" Ellis.

Dr. Ellis worked at Xerox PARC, the research organization that developed the modern GUI. Icons, windows, the mouse, Ethernet-based networking, laser printing - all of these (and more) came out of PARC. Dr. Ellis led the team that created Officetalk, the first program to use icons and the Internet. He got his start at 15 years old showing a local tech company how to reuse punch cards, which was a game-changer back in 1958.

Oh, and he was also the first black man to earn a PhD in Computer Science.

#BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistory #BlackMastodon #ComputerScience @blackmastodon

If you want Jenn to time travel back to being six or seven years old again, play this around me:

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.