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So I planned to make some pork loins with a maple glaze for one of next wek's meals. But I reduced the syrup just a tad too much and now I've made pork loins with a maple candy shell.



Just....ignore those middle ones.

The secret was to cut them into strips THEN roll them. They rolled perfectly. The middleones are still silly looking, but onl because I didn't cut the "edges" or the end of the dough. I'll do that next time, whenever that is.

I'm calling this a success and FINALLY moving on to another bread next week!

Wierd thing I noticed. When I was working and had to wake up at 7AM or earlier, I had to take a nap at lunch. No questions. At Nintendo, I went into my car to sleep. At Tableau, I booked the quiet room and slept in there.

A year and a half of sleeping when I wanted to, I noticed I don't need a nap in the middle of the "day." I'm awake the entire time.

These last few days, the closer my wake up time got to 7AM, to more and more I fought taking a nap. Today, yesterday and the day before, I couldn't even fight it. I had to stop and take a nap.

All the more reason why I think the 9 to 5 work day just isn't what my metabolism wants.

"Why bother with Fedi if there's no built-in monetization?"

Have you considered that maybe this "monetize everything" mindset has been making large parts of the internet and society worse?

Huh, it wasn't until Target Audience mentioned it, that I noticed this is the one shot in Star Trek with ALL the series regulars in one shot.

You have the main seven up front, but in the background you have Grace Lee Whitney's Janice Rand and Majel Barrett's Nurse Chapel, just behind Kirk.

Mark Lenard's Sarek is there, too, as he's as much a movie regular as any of the others.

You'd think black olives would go good in an egg omlette. You'd be quite wrong. Rare cooking misstep.

The even more cooked waffle makes up for it, though.

I don't care what anyone says, I love a movie that knows exactly what it is, and everyone in it is in on the joke. Spiceworld is a FUN movie if you don't mind turning your brain off for two hours.

Looking like next week's meals will be Aloo Pakora. Upside: Very low calorie. Downside: Very high carbs. It's, like, 90% potatoes.

Just a reminder that while Canada is better than us when it comes to trans support, it's not perfect. Granted, this is Alberta, Canada's Texas, but this will kill kids if she can get this legislation through.

And as we've seen - this isn't about the kids. It's just the foot in the door to getting at trans people in general.

Testing the printer with the new wiring setup. My little fashion plate me looks like an animation cel.

Oh, man. Who would have thought the store brand hot wings would be better than Tyson? Tyson gives you Big Wings, but very light on buffalo flavor. The store brand is smaller wings, but they pile on the sauce.

@socketwench - It looks like the Big Box Set I have no longer is in print, but the individual pieces are:



Movies (4K collection with TMP: The Director's Edition): (Including my credit in the special features! :) )

Ever have a craving so strong, you simply have to torpedo a diet to have it? At least hot wings aren't really carby....

February kicks off Black History Month - join us in Second Life as we highlight destinations and events celebrating Black History. Attend PBC’s 4th annual Black History Month events celebrating the theme "Black History is American History - African Americans and The Arts" with live DJs and dancers on February 4th and 17th! Destination:

#SecondLife #BlackHistoryMonth #BHM #metaverse #VirtualMuseums

[Thoughts Before Bed]

I miss 1997. And 1992.

Good times....

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.