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"Isn’t that the story of reproductive freedom in America in a nutshell? Time and again, advocates sound the alarm only to be told that we are being hysterical. Then we watch in horror as our worst fears materialize."

seems impossible to make a potato threatening but here we are

@samlitzinger Jeebus.
What part of Alaska are they willing to give Putin to stop him from taking Alaska back?

Uncle of 10-year-old killed in Uvalde mass shooting arrested for saying f*ck to ex-police chief (video). "There were eight to nine students still in that classroom, and you walked the fuck away,"

death of Nex Benedict 

While NBC does not credit any other reporters, Judd Legum of Popular Information and Marisa Kabas of the Handbasket both previously spoke with Lt. Nick Boatman and elicited similar walk-backs.

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death of Nex Benedict 

If you follow me you've already read this news, but here it is NBC official:

Police now admit that earlier statement that Nex Benedicts death was not due to "trauma" does not mean he didn't die as a result of the fight where he was beat to the ground. #news #nex

p.s. If you want easy to understand step-by-step instructions for transferring your Mastodon account to another server, see here:


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please consume liquid, squishy human friend!

Shedding gender like a gecko shedding skin

I'm gonna sell it on eBay

At some point we have to talk about how Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for far less than what Trump and his Republicans did and are still actively doing.

This week is in the trash, not in a bad way, though.

If something pops up that disrupts my rhythm, I kind of just write-off the rest the of the day. Friday I had a meeting, which did that. Saturday I ran a last-minute show for friends, Sunday was a power outage, and Monday was a commission meeting. Tomorrow I have an ultrasound. (And Today, I woke up way earlier than I wanted, so I'm already dragging for this afternoon).

So while the interruptions weren't BAD, my house is a wreck, and I don't have any meals cooked for this week. But at least I don't have a lot of groceries to buy for next week, and we'll just pickup where we left off this week.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.