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Need something crushed? Can't go wrong with a possibly century old molcajete.

Thoughts Before Bed:

Just for the record, Street Fighter 6? Keyboard friendly in "classic mode."

These last two weeks have been kinda thrashed for house work, but I got it all done today. I think I'm gonna take it easy tonight, and just try to restart my weekly chores tomorrow.

So I shared a video the other day of my playing Super Street Fighter II Turbo for DOS on a keyboard the other day when a friend asked me how I could do diagonals on a keyboard.

With yesterday's crash, I decided to check on that as I reinstalled all my Steam games. Turns out, I can play most of the Street Fighters just fine on them, except Street Fighter III (I haven't checked Street Fighter 6 just yet).

Something about how SF3 takes inputs just doesn't seem to work very well on a keyboard. A fireball for me on keyboard is Down, Down-Forward, Forward THEN Punch. This works on most games. But in SF3 it seems to be Down, Down-Forward, Forward AND Punch. You have to hold the direction while pressing the action button or it doesn't take.

Not a problem for me on joystick or gamepad, as that's just how it works for me. But the keyboard muscle memory from SSF2T doesn't work in SF3.

SF4 and SF5 go back to the D,DF,F THEN Punch method. It actually really does go towards the feeling of SF3 being a very fine-tuned version of Street Fighter for me, even when playing with the joystick/gamepad. Always felt more "precise" and that' probably why.

Thoughts Before Bed

If I ever win the lottery, I'm going to pay for an MRI of every bone and muscle in my body to see what else is broken that I've forgotten about.

So, I installed a little voice-changing program in Linux, that completely thrashed my installation, so I guess that's my evening then:

My goal for this install was to keep it running for at least two years without reinstalling. The result was 60 days.

So according to the ultrasound I had Tuesday, I apparently dislocated my shoulder in the distant past and the tendons never healed right. This along with the bulged discs in my neck that apparently I've had since third grade makes me wonder...


PSA: We're two days to a possible US government shutdown.

That means NOW is the best time to get out your Blonder-Tongues and other NTSC broadcasting equipment, get them connected, and ready to go.

That way you'll be able to begin broadcasting unlicensed pirate TV the very moment the FCC goes on hiatus

I dunno what Instagram is doing, but if I leave that tab idle in a tab for more than a few seconds, it just eats my system alive.

Why I worry about my Texas Trans friends, Volume 103874:

Attorney General Ken Paxton has demanded trans names from Texas PFLAG groups:

Don’t mind me, I’m just over here drawing Juggalo faces on Family Circus characters.

Update: Wow, this makes a MEAN Egg and Mayo Sammich. I may use this moving forward.

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I only needed two sliced of this Jewish Rye Caraway bread. Any ideas on what to do with the rest? It's sitting in my freezer slowy freezerburning....

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.