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Thoughts Before Bed:

So, being trans, I never figured out when I went from Maiden to Mother. But oh boy, did I absolutely hit Mother sometime in the last six months. Hopefully Crone won't come as quick.

Suddenly thinking of the old Mr. Ice Cream in San Antonio. My dad used to take me there as a kid in the 70s and 80s when we visited the Riverwalk. It's still there, looks exactly as it did back then, too.

Wondering why that's on my mind tonight....

Anyone else like to eat cough drops like candy, or is that just me?

You decide to move. Your village throws a going away party for you. They tapped some of the special brew you all make for festivals. The village sysadmin hands you a battered thumbdrive, "That's your data export. Send me a letter when you're all settled in."

You arrive at your new village. People welcome you, help you move your stuff. You hand the battered thumbdrive to your new sysadmin. "Thanks! I'll get this imported right away. Here's your new mesh ID." You wonder what your new village's brew tastes like.

the concept of these tiny little garden eels having quarrels is so amazing to me
look at them,,,,,, they're yelling at each other,,,, so ferocious,,,,,

LB: Literally still don't understand what my teachers were saying when they'd say "Show Your Work." I COUNTED THE NUMBERS.

For the third time, Worf's Globe Garden chair by Peter Opsvik is seen in his quarters in #StarTrekTNG's "Reunion"↘️. It was earlier seen there in "Peak Performance"↗️ and "Family"↙️ but first appeared on TNG on the Tarellian ship in "Haven"↖️.

To all politicians: I will happily pay higher taxes if you give me better/more trains and buses.

#meme #PublicTransit #PublicTransport

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.