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Happy Coming Out Day to our gal Jessie Christine.

Remember, She once had a pretty crappy weekend for our sins. The least you could do is not deadname Her. :BlahajTrans:

#Easter #IsThisAThing

As part of their aggressive attempt to get people to replace their old headsets, Facebook's Quest 1 headsets, released in 2019, will be barred from purchasing any app on the Quest store released after April 30, even if that app would have supported the Quest 1 when sideloaded.

The aggressive deprecation schedule really makes me baffled why anyone would trust Facebook with their money here. This is a novelty/nice-to-have device, not something you upgrade every 2 years.

April Fools is a stupid tradition and we really need to find something better to do.

If Hasbro went under, it would become Hadbro. Send toot.

@phoser @skinnylatte

When I was 22 I was hitchhiking just outside of New Haven, Connecticut. A hit and run driver left me for dead. Passers-by rescued me. I came to in traction, numb from the pits down. I thought I was going to be paralyzed for the rest of my life. I wasn't. My spinal chord hadn't been severed, just compressed by edema. Eventually the edema subsided and I could feel and sort of walk again. I'm 75, and I still limp.

I'd like to believe he was drunk but it was a divided time in America and I wore long hair, so he may have been trying to murder me. It doesn't really matter. Either way, he left me to die.

Huh. I've taken care of all my chores for the day by 7PM. I even deep cleaned the kitchen. What to do, what to do....

I've never been against announcing your pronouns, I've just never seen it as necessary...until last night.

Before, I would always give my pronouns (she/her) if asked. If a policy asked me to add them to emails or titles I did. Outside of that, I just assumed that if people wanted to know my pronouns, they'd (1) ask, or (2) I'd correct them when wrong.

However, last night, while in Resonite, my voice changer wasn't working so I had my deeper voice, attached to this female avatar, and...I got a lot of they/them. And it sat oddly with me.

I mean, if someone misgenders me as male, I immediately correct them. This time...they were TRYING not to assume, but still got it wrong. And They/Them just sat wrong with me.

So I'm on board with announcing those pronouns now. Trying to find a way to add them to my nameplate in Resonite (and elsewhere). :)

This is not a test, this is your Emergency Broadcast System. Announcing the commencement of the Trans Day of Vengeance sanctioned by the USSA Government. Weapons of class four and lower have been authorized for use during TDOV. All other weapons are restricted. Cis allies of ranking 10 have been granted immunity and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime (including murder) against cis people will be legal for 24 continuous hours. Police, fire, and Emergency Medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. When TDOV concludes. Blessed be Karl Marx and Pronouns... A nation reborn. May Goddess be with you all.

House is dusted and vacuumed. I'll deep clean the kitchen and bathrooms tomorrow....

Always try to too this before a long trip so I come back to a house that needs nothing done, and hopefully no trash I forgot about.

"...I recommend this job to anyone who is looking for a dynamic, fast-paced work environment."

OK listen. Doll.

NO ONE is looking for a dynamic, fast-paced work environment in 2024. We are exhausted. Get in your DeLorean and take that attitude back to 1984.

Every week it seems like there's another huge data breach, and the company involved goes "Our bad, lol“ and suffers no real consequences.

We need to start imposing strict penalties and fines on these bastard companies. Maybe then they'll start taking their fucking security seriously.

If you insist on holding customers data and it gets compromised, you get smacked. Hard.

It's amazing reading all these nytimes and other articles saying "Why are so many kids absent from school nowadays? Must be a new culture of laziness. Probably lockdowns. Or phones. We definitely didn't give a generation Long Covid, because that's not something we're permitted to discuss." #CovidIsNotOver #LongCOVID #WearAMask #uspolitics #nytimes

Trans Day of Visibility is on the same day every year.

Easter moves around. There's ancient rules, going back, like, almost a thousand years, describing how exactly it moves.

Yeah, they sure did wind up being the same day this year. Hi! Welcome to our holiday, wanderers! It's good to have you here! ... If you're going to start a fight, remember who's visiting who.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.