I am deeply regretting that for my political satire series I went with a head of government who is merely a faceless Lovecraftian Elder God with a skull-collecting hobby.
He seems kind of understated these days.
Should have picked a cross between the South Dakota Puppy Shooter and Liz Truss instead ...
As of today, the severance package I got back in March of 2023 when I was laid off is exhausted. So is my unemployment.
I'm now burning into my savings, which, to be fair, is more than the severance, but that has been earmarked for other things. I have a job interview Monday, a possible position with a stipend coming up later this month, and a freelance job coming in a few months. None of which will allow me to keep this place.
I'm hoping things turn around soon, but wow, things are BAD out there.
Hey everybody make sure to help #Utah’s fascist government test out their sweet new web app #TransRights #OnlyGOPLawmakersBotherPeopleInBathrooms https://ut-sao-special-prod.web.app/sex_basis_complaint.html
I saw some posts going "but CD-Rs will wear down your 3DO disc drive!"
Folks I'm sorry but it's 2024. Your 3DO, if it still works, is on borrowed time and has been for a very very long time now. Unless you're a museum then just play your CD-Rs and enjoy your 3DO while you can. They're going to stop working sooner rather than later and you might as well have fun while they work. At least there's starting to be some mod options for other storage now.
Your old consoles exist to be played and at this point not playing CD-Rs isn't going to be the difference between your 3DO working for another year or another 15 years. Don't worry about it. Play some fucking video games.
It's not AI, because there's no intelligence there.
It's sparkling autocorrect.
I assure you, there is an artist somewhere that will happily illustrate whatever you want in exchange for money.
Yes, even that thing you think is too much. I know this because I've been in the furry fandom most of my life. You have no idea the things I've seen.
Prefer the written word? I assure you, there are writers who will indulge your desires for a modest per-word fee.
Artist for Closetspace and A Wish for Wings
Creative Text Writer for MTG: Universes Beyond
Writer for Sea of Legends
One enchilada short of a Mexican Platter