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The remains of a gorgeous abandoned theater that was hidden for years above the roof of a grocery store built into the lower level

See the rest:


Meanwhile, at Meijer, the cake monsters are sated

For now

In case you were wondering how my life is going, I just ate the fortune in my fortune cookie.

With the news of a Nintendo Switch successor on the horizon THAT I ACTUALLY BELIEVE, I'm feeling kind of wierd about it.

While working at Nintendo, from the Wii to the Nintendo Switch, I bought every new hardware interation of system on launch day. (like DSLite, DSi, 3DS, New 3DS).

I enjoyed them, for sure, but they were also business purchases. I would do real-time troublshooting with the system in front of me (I had a TV at my desk!), so I felt that a Day One puchase with only a few games was worth it.

But I'm not there anymore, so I don't need to buy one on Day One. And that feels a little sad. I'm going back to my rule of "I need five games before I buy a console" rule for that...and given how long it took me to pick up a PS5 (whose 5 games ended up being four PS4 games!) it may be a while.

I mean, I'm gonna pick up the machine as soon as a Zelda comes out. But it could be a while before I pick up that Switch 2/Pro/Whatever, and it really feels like that part of my life is really finally over.

Gotta love that allergy induced sleep apnea. "Is that a tiny little particle of pollen? SHUT DOWN ALL THE NOSTRILS! LOCK UP THE ADENOIDS! CLOSE THE NOSE CLOSE THE NOSE!"

Ah, I can finally sit down and relax for the next few days. Nothing I need to worry about or stress about and--


Misread Sign of the Day:

This McDonald's is proudly owned and operated by Starscream.

Thoughts Before Bed.

It's not often I have an Ah Ha! moment these days, but I'm glad they can still happen. Many puzzle pieces came together tonight and allowed me to understand a friend in a whole new way. ❤

So with everything going on these last two weeks, I was too busy to buy the weekly groceries and have been living off restaurant food and leftovers. I'm out of both today, and most everything here closes at 9:00PM, so you know what that means.


This is why I buy them. Emergency food, for Big Emergencies, and Tiny Emergencies, like today.

Today's was absolutely a "Breakfast for Dinner" MRE as well. And is ALMOST the oldest MRE I've ever eaten as this was packed back in October 2018 (five and a half years!).

It was actually REALLY good, the standouts being the blueberry coconut granola cereal (makes it's own milk!), and the hash browns while not crispy cause that's hard to do in an MRE, was super tasty. The apple turnover tasted a bit artificial, and the peanuts were ABSOLUTELY showing their age. The crackers and cheese are crackers and cheese.

Can't complain. I enjoyed it. Not bad for a nearly six year old meal!

Does anybody else do this when needing to use a mouse between taking notes?

Or are you sane and just put the pen down?

Purple Curtain

The second night of the geomagnetic storm was better weather-wise, but there was much less activity during the short time I was outside. It was almost invisible to the naked eye and could only be seen with a camera. But I am thrilled to have been able to photograph the aurora without having to travel hundreds of kilometers to Scandinavia!

Nikon D500, Tokina AT-X 11-20 f2.8 PRO DX, 15 mm, f2,8, 10s, ISO 1600, tripod
#nature #aurora #NorthernLights #landscape #photography #astrophotography #germany #digikam #darktable #GIMP

Just a reminder, if you're in a state without access to abortion, there is a network of care, providing safe, effective, and free abortion pills and information.

I don't have a ton of faith in humanity, but I do appreciate how we've all decided to side with the orcas in the Great Orcas vs. Boats War. An orca could literally bite my arm off tomorrow and I would still be team orca.

NEW: JK Rowling has become so toxic even fellow transphobes and self-identified moderates are distancing themselves from her.

That's right, today I've been writing about the latest Rowling psychodrama, and what to make of it. #trans #news #journalism

Fuck this victim blaming bullshit.

CW: extreme transphobic victim blaming in the article on top of existing transphobia

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.