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It's been almost two years and I'm STILL struggling with making bread.

I either knead too much or not enough and can't dial in the right amount. I've watched videos, following their instructions to the letter, and the dough never looks like in the video. I've asked for advice, rarely works. In the oven, there's no oven spring.

What I get is okay, but very dense, and often pretty dry. And never holds its shape.

I'm not getting better at it, and I think its just time to move on. I can at least do pastries and smaller breads. Just the Big Breads keep failing. :/

I'm really enjoying my time in VR. Once I bought into the idea of it being a Star Trek holodeck, I really dove into it.

This pic of me watching a movie isn't really a posed picture like Second Life. It's actually me, watching a movie. Existing in a cabin in the snow. My POV is in the second pic.

It's funny. I still havent' lost that "look in the mirror, and see the right body staring back at you" feeling. But it's more normal now. I work in there during the Creator Jams, I explore worlds in there.

But sometimes I catch a reflection, or I walk past a mirror, and I catch a quick unexpected glimpse of...well...a close appoximation of the me that lives in my head. I still cry sometimes when I see me in that mirror.

But only when I really want to feel it now. 🙂

Also: My ear pokes out from under the hair! EEEE! THAT'S THE CUTEST THING IN THE WORLD, VR OR MEATSPACE! ❤

I realize this song is a lip synch parody of Star Wars, but every time I see it, I have to play it. The lyrics are stupid, but it's actually a really good song, and an instrant earworm.

I didn't dream it! The watermelon at the farmer's market is real!

Not as sweet as the last one, but still sweeter than what I can get at the store. I had to share half of it with Crystal and Lissa, just cause that's too much watermelon for me.

Even the tupperware bowls are just half the watermelon!

Between physical therapy and tabling at Summerstage yesterday, and grocery shopping today, I think I over did it. My muscles are telling me to take it easy next time...

Huh. Mythical Kitchen made a video showing The Three Stages of Jenn's Transition. 1980s, 1990s, 2000s.

I still draw my comics as often as my health allows, but sometimes I have a little extra "oomph" to do something special for friends.

Down to three To-Dos from when the parents were here. And two of them are from BEFORE they got here. So I think I'm all caught up. 🙂

Admittedly, it *would* be hilarious to panel mount one of these. Just in case you need your mini gender changed. :transgender_flag:

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A small human standing with his mum in a checkout line has just informed me that he is Spiderman, but ONLY when his spider suit is on properly. Otherwise, he's a bad guy PRETENDING to be spiderman.

(His spider suit wasn't fully zipped up at the back. Villainy is definitely afoot in Aotearoa New Zealand.)

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.