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the fucking Salvation Army had the nerve to send us a piece of paper mail asking for donations

so we figure it's time for our annual reminder to please not donate to the Salvation Army because their mission and their services are explicitly hostile to queer people.

Hola, amigues y aliades LGBTQIA+ hispanohablantes en el eastside
¿Quieres hacer conexiones? !Estamos inaugurando un grupo social!
Por favor llene el fomulario:

Hello, Eastside Spanish-Speaking LGBTQIA+ friends and allies!
Would you like to connect? We are launching a social group!
Please fill out interest survey at

My beautiful boy is not just holding his leaves a little higher, but has FAR more leaves! He's getting big since I brought him inside due to the cold, and I think there's a second plant trying to grow as well, now.

Take care, my friends and family in Florida. ❤


Remember, remember!
The nya of Nekoember,
The Catgirl treason and plot;
I meow of no reason
Why the Catgirl treason
Should ever be forgot!

Thoughts Before Bed

I was working on a video for our riffing group that used scenes from the last section of 2001, where Dave Bowman is the only human alive on a big ship orbiting Jupiter. Kubrick and Doug Trumbull really get across the absolute solitude he's in without really ever showing him.

I enjoy solitude. It's the only time I feel like my defenses are down and all the masks are off. It's made me very much a recluse, although not a shut in. I go out, participate in society, I've become incredibly public this last year. I like going out and doing stuff. But at the end of the day, I get to be one person alone in this apartment that's too big for me. And while I feel that solitude that Dave Bowman had out there all alone, I enjoy it.

I'm likely going to lose it before too long asI lose the apartment. And while I do enjoy living with Crystal and Lissa, I find that I'm already missing that solitude. They give me my space, absolutely, and I've always appreciated that. But I enjoy the real solitude I have here.

One of the things I'm hoping is that VR can deliver that feeling. Big spaces just for me. All contained in a little headset. I already have an apartment in VR, as well as a lonely cabin. I may try to rebuild this place, or even better, the house I was going to build in Texas before the land was sold.

Maybe a big old spaceship orbiting Jupiter like Dave Bowman.

Whew. Between two meetings, a job assessment a sudden aurora and an early bedtime for another meeting in the morning, I've gotten nothing at all done.

Aurora was nice, though. :)

For those of you unable to see the Northern Lights, just pop in a copy of Super Street Fighter II Turbo and choose the England Stage. You're all set!

Remember that this is the #Halloween season. So digging a grave in your front yard won't look as suspicious.

Thoughts Before Bed

When I was very little, mirrors were magical portals into other worlds. Tilted mirrors at the shoe store were a way into a world that was mirror imaged. And two mirrors facing each other went into dark places....

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.