While I think Skyward Sword's soundtrack is the best in the series, and that Breath of Wild's was the weakest, I will say they saved EVERYTHING for this piece of music, which doesn't just weave a bunch of themes together, but delivers it at 150%..
How many interlocking pieces of Zelda lietmotif can you count in this?
George Lowe
Working on cleaning house on time for tomorrow's job start and watching the Richard Donner cut of Superman II.
Even with all its flaws, I prefer this cut to the others. The bad guys really feel threatening, the movie feels far more serious. It's really weak in the Niagra Falls sequence (which is Richard Lester footage, and just the bare minimum to tell the story) and the East Houston sequence (which originally took place outside Washington DC and never filmed), but otherwise far stronger than the theatrical.
It was never about "won't someone think of the children?!"
Woke up with this in my head, so now it's in yours: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzLT6_TQmq8
Me after seeing Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Governor Janet Mills standing up to Trump to his face: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qillJj5RXUs
If, someday, #USAnians look around and wonder what happened to their national status and prestige in the world, they will have an unusually clear transition point to look at.
Today will be looked back on as the day the rest of the world stopped even pretending to believe Americans' "we are the shining city on the hill, an example to the world" credo had the slightest bit of truth left to it.
Embarrassing. Shameful.
Texas is now trying to crominalize all gender transition surgeries, not just for kids. In fact, the house bill was written ABOUT banning surgeries for trans kids, but then had them stricken to criminalize all surgeries.
"The bill, H.B. No. 3399, amends existing Texas law regarding procedures and treatments for gender transitioning, gender reassignment, or gender dysphoria, specifically addressing the use of public funds for these services. Key changes include the removal of references to "children" in the context of prohibited procedures, thereby broadening the scope to apply to individuals of any age. The bill prohibits healthcare providers from performing surgeries that sterilize individuals, administering certain prescription drugs that induce infertility, or removing healthy body parts, while also outlining exceptions for specific medical conditions and ongoing treatments initiated before June 1, 2025."
House Bill 3399: https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/89R/billtext/pdf/HB03399I.pdf
Artist for Closetspace and A Wish for Wings
Creative Text Writer for MTG: Universes Beyond
Writer for Sea of Legends
One enchilada short of a Mexican Platter