I've always wanted a qipao. I thitnk they're beautiful. But they don't make them in sizes that fit me, and even if they did, I don't have a body shape that would look good in one.
Meet Branigan, Fannigan, Milligan, Gilligan, Duffy, McCuffy, Malachy, Mahone, Rafferty, Lafferty, Donnelly, Connelly, Dooley, O'Hooley, Muldowney, Malone, Madigan, Cadigan, Lanihan, Flanihan, Fagan, O'Hagan, O'Hoolihan, Flynn, Shanihan, Manihan, Fogarty, Hogarty, Kelly, O'Kelly, McGuinness, McGuinn.
When I was actively working to emmigrate to Canada, my mind was blown that the Hudson's Bay Company I'd learned about in American History from the 1600s still existed in 2008.
Doesn't look like it'll be for much longer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfDgp7cYwpc
I was there in the early days. It's nothing like it used to be.
I didn't expect "using a Torrenting client to seed US government scientific datasets because the policy settings are erasing years of research" on my 2025 bingo card but here we are.
You wouldn't download America's scientific research output would you?
EDIT: Several people have contacted me for the link.
(Better link)
and follow @SafeguardingResearch
The fascist tech bro takeover is here
The future of the United States is no longer decided in Washington. That ship has sailed. It's now dictated in the bunkers, private jets, and compounds of an ideological Silicon Valley, by billionaires and wealth extremists intent on treating democracy as a nuisance that must be swatted away. These men - raised on a rabid press that mythologized their existen
Artist for Closetspace and A Wish for Wings
Creative Text Writer for MTG: Universes Beyond
Writer for Sea of Legends
One enchilada short of a Mexican Platter