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The White House has requested more COVID funding 4 times this year, rejected each time. The latest request is for a mere $10 billion. It's foolish to spend $858 Billion on defense, and nothing on public health, when COVID is one of the biggest global security issues of our time.

#COVID #COVID19 #PublicHealth

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One thing that COVID has demonstrated really clearly to me is what an absolute shit show of inadequacy the US healthcare...collection of services is.

As a side point why don't WA, OR and CA join together and do Cascadia universal healthcare? If the rest of the country doesn't want it at least we could do it.


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Not only is my local internet down, my phone connection is really really slow. Something out there happening on the intertubes?

Most of the folks I know who got the Covid shot were sick the day after. I never did, but was kind of expecting to get sick because I got my Covid AND Flu shots at once.

I never did get sick, but one thing I do get, which I wonder if anyone else gets is that my arm aches for days and days after.

Probably didn't help that I have a new blood sugar meter in the same arm....

battlestar galactica what do they do with the paper corners

big reminder that one of the reasons we don't have universal healthcare is because when its provided by our employer they can use our literal lives against us if we try to fight back against unfair labor practices.

Did you know the speed of light is different in different mediums? The light doesn't REALLY slow down, but it keeps getting captured by water molecules and re-emitted. So, it can take a long time to move through bouncing from molecule to molecule like a bride trying to get anywhere chatting with a slew of tipsy distant relatives. In water, light actually moves about 75% the normal speed of light because of this phenomenon. The more dense, the slower light goes.

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It’s been called “the single most important case on and for American democracy since the nation’s founding”—and that’s from conservative Michael Luttig of the 4th Circuit.
What exactly was argued before SCOTUS yesterday, and how did it go? I take us on a high level view of the very dangerous Moore v. Harper case and cautiously make some predictions about how the Court will rule.
Read it here:

with the nyt on strike who is going to write bad faith both sides introspection for actual fascists now

I assume that whenever someone says "use chat to reach me" that they are French and want me to convince a cat to bring them messages

Gender is a scam invented by Big Grammar to sell more pronouns. You heard it here first, folks

We do not get to choose where we are born, our culture or kin, or the condition of the world they brought us into. A true warrior lives honorably and seeks to better the world so those who come after us don't hate us for the choices we did get to make.

Love yourself. Sleep and hydrate. Build an army of robots to protect you. Watch in horror as they conquer the Earth. This is self care

you use linux because you hate microsoft and want to resist big tech companies. I use linux because I hate myself and want to suffer. we are not the same

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.