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Added a small update "ticker" underneath the banner on the website for a quick check on what's new on the site.

Person: "Jenn, you're so cool. How did you get to be so cool?"

Jenn: "I once thought INXS was pronounce 'Inks' and not 'In Excess.' Like, until a few years ago."

Person: "Oh. How...uncool."

Suddenly craving Spaghetti, and thinking of making some since that first of my three meals went bad so quick.

This Week's Meals (3/3): Broccoli "Noodle" Soup

And with that, I'm done with this cookbook. The ingredients are expensive, it asks for expensive gadgets and is obviously aimed at someone WAY more affluent than me.

No recipe right now cause I'm angry at the cookbook.

Thoughts Before Bed:

"Get into tech in 1995, she said. It'll pay for your transition, she said."

I'm looking for work!

Some of my skill sets that I can offer: Writing, Technical and Customer Service, Team Management, Art.

Technical and Customer Service
*Over 25 years working in customer service for end user electronics for large companies such as Dell Computers and Nintendo of America.
*Over 15 years working in solution engineering for corporations using software made by or used by Tableau Software, the Texas Department of Transportation, and Wincor-Nixdorf.
*Worked on customer and technical support through phone, email, chat, SMS and letters.

Team Management:
*Managed three teams during product launches and holiday seasons while maintaing responsibilities to other departments in tandem.
*Focused on behavioural management and servant leadership to manage teams and encourage growth in direct reports.

*Recently worked on Guildhall Studios' "Sea of Legends" as a dialogue writer, as well as an soon-to-be-produced musical, "'77."
*Featured in the LGBT anthology books "Letters for my Sisters" and two Prism Comics guide-books.
*Currently working on two novels and a radio play.

*Two web comics that have been running for twenty years.

If any of these skills could help out in your company, please feel free to message me, and lets see if we can work something out.

Private messages or emails only, public posts will not be responded to.

I will cook meal number three tomorrow because I should probably not be around knives right this moment.

This Week's Meals (2/3): Breakfast Burritos

Uses turkey breast slices for the tortilla to keep it keto friendly. No recipe right now cause I'm angry at the cookbook.

This Week's MEals (1/3): FAIL

Most of the ingredients in the meal rotted in the week I didn't cook. Boogers.

Only a fool is without fear. A true warrior knows and respects fear, but also strives to strike fear in the hearts of the dishonorable, the unjust, those who would use fear to oppress. Do not be fearless. Be fearsome.

Remember two years ago todday, when everyone was saying that unless their were consequences for Trump’s coup attempt, we’d see new attempts?
Well, we’re seeing a new attempt right now in Brazil, as Bolsonaro supporters storm the congress and presidential palace.

Just ate the worst MRE ever. Not because it was bad. It was actually good for what it was. But because it contained tuna (blech) and carrot cake (blech).

I remained as objective as I could, but...blech.

As much as you aspire to glory for yourself, seek to inspire others to achieve their own. Go out and make deeds worthy of song, aid your comrades in theirs, and we shall all sing in celebration, together.

Drive-in Saturday returns this January 14th, 9:30 PM Central.

intrigued? fascinated? repelled? indignant? outraged? kind of itchy? OF COURSE YOU ARE. shimmy up all in mah DM's if you want to come play.


You can see the exact moment where the innocence fades from his little eyes and he becomes an agent of mammon


Developers, PLEASE, for the love of all that is holy, don't disable pasting into password fields.

We all want to use more secure passwords, but if for some reason our password manager doesn't work with your site or app, having to 10-finger a long password is annoying.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.