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So, everyone who wants Ozempic for weight loss? I hate to break it to you, but I've been on the stuff for years for blood sugar control and I ain't lost a pound from it.

Quick question - has 2023 gone well for anyone, so far?

Tonight's Episode of MAx Headroom is Rakers.

How dare we get the constant-surveillance media-saturated future without all the cool fog-effects and dystopian-punk-clothing.

Tonight's TNG is "Brothers." Brent Spiner is freaking AMAZING at playing three seperate roles, all interacting with each other. Freaking amazing.

But after this episode, and the next one with Lore, you gotta wonder if Starfleet is rethinking it's idea of allowing androids to become command officers. :)

This Week's Bread: Cinnamon "Rolls"

I woke up today and chose violence. And so did my gluten structure.

One of my problems when cooking is I tend to lock into the recipe. Cooking? Tends to work. Baking, not so much.

A lot of baking is "this feels right" or "this feels off." The instructions for the dough say to run it in a stand mixer until the dough pulls off the side of the bowl.

I did that but even I felt it was too soft and sticky. And I should have gone with my gut as the rolls collapsed. The good news is I have a gut which I can go with. I know what you look for. And the rolls will likely be fine.

So they're not so much cinnamon rolls as they're cinnamon volcanoes.

Because of course Walmart messed up the pre-orders. Again. The joys of haveing an exclusive at an unreliable store.

Tonight's Dr Who is "Aliens of London" and lemme tell you, this is campy as all get out, and a very very different show than what we got in later years.

I remember as a kid thinking Corinne from Soap was so so beauitful, and I loved her long long hair. I wanted hair like that.

I was probably four when I saw this? So, yeah, trans from the beginning.

I just posted this deep in a thread, but realized that many of you might enjoy seeing it on its own merits. I think I found this on one of the #trans #meme subreddits. First time I saw it, I just started crying (in a good way).

Duolingo told me "actually, this word is feminine and plural" and I was like I have some friends like that

Happy 10th birthday to the strip that became the last decade's defining meme.

Wielding power over the powerless is the mark of the bully. Using strength against the weak is cowardice. Real strength is knowing you have such power, and choosing not to use it. That is the mark of the true warrior.

Someone: If you follow me... I'll post things you might not like... Or agree with...

Their posts: I don't think women should have rights

I love the mischievous "face" on this roof featuring eyebrow dormer windows by Polish architect Sebastian Pitoń. You can see some of his absolutely charming fairytale-like cottages here:

#Fensterfreitag #WindowFriday #window #architecture #design #architect #fairytale #whimsey

Wait. Does this layoff mean I have time to...actually use my PS5 games?!?!

I was just fired. If you know someone hiring staff level software engineers, preferably in a #sre, #devops, or #PlatformEngineering space, I'd love to talk.

I'm looking for US remote positions, fwiw. And I can refer some really excellent engineers at all experience levels.

Edit: thank you for the boosts. I've been interviewing and I may have offers soon. I'll follow up on leads if I need to extend my search.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.