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Well, now that it's February, Phase II of the job search begins.

Phase I was all of January, asking friends if they have any openings where they worked. I applied for most of them, usually days before their companies announced their own layoffs.

Phase II is still looking for work, but now seeking it out. I'm specifically looking fro full time employment, and from 60K to 80K a year. That's all this month.

Phase III is March, where we go into desperation mode and just grab onto anything that will get some money coming in. Contract, low pay, anything to just get an income.

After March, Phase III contiinues, but we're back into survival mode, too. Basically, just hunkering down, spending as little as possible, trying to run out the lease so I don't get hit with a massive penalty, and spending every minute looking for work.

During the first Dot Com bust in 2001, i spent nearly three years unemployed because there simple wasn't any work. I found work in 2003,m nd it took until 2008 to get my feet back under me.

I'm hoping that won't be the case here, but luck, hope and faith and I haven't been on speaking terms in a long time.

Friend: "You could always go back to Nintendo."

tech industry layoffs 

everything in this article is obvious if you've been following the trend of worker organizing in tech the past few years, but it's notable because it's literally the only piece of reporting I've seen so far that actually goes beyond credulously repeating CEOs' talking points to examine what's really going on

it's not about the economy, it's about reminding workers that they work at the pleasure of the bosses and putting fear back into the equation

This Week's Meals roundup:

Koshari: Carb-o-rama (60g per Jenn-sized serving) but given that it has rice, vermicelli AND macaroni, I kinda expected it to be. BUT HOLY COW THAT'S GOOD. The tomato sauce and the hot spices make this so so so tasty. I liked it so much, I don't even mind the chickpeas. Would totally make this again.

Kuku Choma: Essentially African spicy hot wings. Needs salt, but is pretty tasty. They need to be grilled, and I ended up using my broiler and a grating to grill these. Might be better if (1) I grill them correctly and (2) get them to near blackened like the picture showed them to be.

Spaghetti "Carbonara." Eh, it's good and tasty. Absolutely Spaghetti Carbonara. But with the fusion elements of miso, sesame seeds and sea weed just not coming across in the flavor, Il'll just make regular Spaghetti Carbonara next time. It's cheaper and tastes just as good.

Forgot to mention that after I had the asthma test, I hit Kura Revolving Sushi. Expensive, but very good sushi, lots of variety and a neat little robot guy who serves you your drinks. Ticket taking is moslty automated, as are the menus. Lots of tech. :)

A little spendy, but I'll take what I can get now that Sushiland is gone.


Brain: We are. We've dried up this week's leads, we're just waiting on responses, and we'll apply as soon as more leads pop up. In the meantime, why don't you--


Brain: We're FINE, heart. We've got until March before we even need to start worrying. Why don't we use this time to see about getting that writing career started that you--


Brain: ::sigh:: Why do I even try....

Spent all day playing with the shortwave when I should have been writing. I'll write when I wake up.

If you've only ever used Mastodon through an app, you might want to try using it through your server's website too.

Each server has its own website which you can use your account on. To access the web version, just go to your web browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc) on any phone or computer and type the address of your server. Log in with the same ID and password as you do on the app.

For example, if your account is on the server, you can log in on its website

Living in America is being forced to rely on multiple unsustainable, broken systems that nobody likes but which politicians can't bear to get rid of lest we receive 0.00001% more than they think we deserve.

I wasn't radicalized by reading theory but by paying attention to the suffering all around me.

And honestly, the most radicalizing thing of all has been the indifference of the privileged and the powerful to that suffering.

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Hey you.

Yeah, you. In front of the screen.

Keep being weird. 👍

The wealthy white ruling class talks to and listens only to itself.

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Biden : we need more money from Congress to fund vaccine distribution

GOP : get fucked

Biden : we have to end free vaccines and research

Media : Biden ends free vaccination

GOP : see, you can’t trust the Government on Health

Moderna CEO : omg guys my bonus is huge lmao

#COVIDisNotOver #Politics

The best part about having several trans people on staff at the makerspace and coffee shop is that our membership and customer base become self selecting.

You have a problem with my staff, get the fuck out of my building and never come back. I'll remove you myself, physically, if I need to.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.