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❌ Eli Lilly lowers the cost of insulin in U.S.
✅ Eli Lilly reluctantly complies with Democratic law that caps out-of-pocket cost of insulin

Eli Lilly is a global corporation that actively participates and defends its role in the insulin oligopoly. Eli Lilly isn't capping the cost of jack squat. Eli Lilly was forced to stop exploiting patients- that's the story, and the headline. Do better, editors.

I wrote yesterday. I drew today. Can I keep it up?

...seriously, can I? I hadn't worked on either comic in over a year. I just don't have the spoons anymore.

My current sleep schedule is at 5AM to 3PM and I've never felt so rested in my life.

Me at Ten: Falls off a two story house with nothing but the wind knocked out of me.

Me at 48: Pulls a back muscle sleeping.

I have sliced filet mignon into maruchan ramen.

Somewhere, a foodie is crying and doesn't know why.

Really hopeful that this'll be something that finally gets produced...

My Linux screenwiritng program, Trelby, no longer works in Linux. But if I install the Windows version via WINE, it works fine. That just feels wrong.

I just finished ripping my DVD copy of Fail Safe to disk. This movie, man. This movie. This is one of the most engaging and stressful movies I've ever seen. As the movie goes on, every scene ends up just being a scene of deeper and deeper trauma of everyone involved and a terrible and unnecessary Catch-22.

So, yeah, the Tangy Spicy Shrimp IS the Austin Super China recipe, but with a lot more broth and veggies. The way Austin Super China served it was just the shrimp on a bed of sliced onions. This recipe is more of shrimp in a broth.

BUT, if I don't eat the broth, and just the shrimp, it's exactly the same. I'm thinking Austin Super China cooks it in the broth/sauce, but then either (1) drains the broth from the shrimp serving itself or (2) uses the sliced onion to soak up the broth.

It's kind of expensive to not eat the broth this cooks in (it takes 20-some scallions!), but it IS the same dish....

I may not be able to pull off cosplay, but I know who can-tchya, Daaaarling!

"What are you major accomplishments at your your previous position?"

Um...I managed to not get fired? Well, laid off, but not fired....

I've decided that the female version of "Man Cave" is "Woman's Web."

Alright, folks. Things aren't looking good for the Jenn job-wise and we're going to need to start clamping down on stuff. Quick ask:

I'm going to need to start saving cash, and with inflation, AND the fact that I make fancy foods, I'm gonna need to clamp down on groceries. What are your very cheap, college-level, devastating for your health but heaven for your wallet, meals?

Dialing in that Tangy Spicy Shrimp recipe. Now that it's not drowning in Sesame Oil, it just needs a little salt any maybe a touch less five-spice to be the same as Austin's Tangy Spicy Shrimp. I'm also going to heat it up instead of serving it cold, as mine were usually at least warm.

YAY! Another favorite from home!

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.