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This Week's Meals (4/4): Jack in the Box's Deli Trio Grilled Sandwich.

They need to bring this back, either as a sammich, or as a pannido.

# Deli Trio Grilled Sandwich

Jack in the Box (Copycat)
2.0 half-sandwiches

2.0 slice sourdough bread
2.0 slices provolone
butter (as needed)
2.0 tbsp creamy Italian dressing
4.0 slices salami
1.0 slice ham
2.0 slices pickle (sandwich sliced)
1.0 slice turkey

1 - Butter each slice of sourdough bread
2 - Assemble as follows, from top to bottom:

Slice of sourdough bread (Buttered on the outside)
Creamy Italian dressing
Slice of provolone
Slice of turkey
Two pickle fillets
Slice of ham
Four slices of coin-sized salami (or one big slice)
Slice of Provolone
Slice of sourdough bread (Buttered on the outside)

3 - Grill on High to desired doneness

Note to self, a blender is not a food processor, and a burning smell coming from an appliance and not a pan on the stove is a bad thing.

Hope I didn't hurt the blender....

This Week's Meals: (3/4): Kibbeh.

Oh, this. THIS. I'm eating it right now and it's everything I remember.

Back in the late 90s, when I was living in State College, PA, an Egyptian restaurant opened up for, like, a week. North and I happened across it while it was open and we stepped in to try it. I didn't know what to get, so I asked the waiter what I should try, and he suggested Kibbeh.

And I've been chasing it ever since. When I was in Austin, I did find places that served it, but I never ordered it because they mentioned it was a wheat shell dish - and I didn't remember wheat being part of the Egyptian kibbeh I had. I missed out on so much.

Up here in Seattle, I did ask a local place if they made kibbeh, and they said the only place they knew was in Seattle, but if a certain cook was in, they could make it for me. But when they said it was wheat shelled, I just never ordered it.

When every recipe for kibbeh I found had that wheat, I realized I was wrong - I was thinking like Wheat Flour - the shell is actually BULGUR wheat, which is a very thick mealy flour and provides that crunchy meal shell I remembered.

And this. This is that kibbeh. :D

They look terrible, though, cause I couldn't make the football shape they were supposed to be in (and those pine nuts make it look...yikes). But that taste. THAT TASTE.

But boy am I glad meal #4 is a sandwich. :D I needed ibuprofin to while shaping the kibbeh.

# Kibbeh
About 24 kibbeh

2.5 cups fine bulgur wheat
None None Water
1.0 large onion, quartered (shell)
1.5 lb lean ground beef (shell)
2.0 tsp ground allspice (shell)
1.0 tsp ground coriander (shell)
0.5 tsp ground cinnamon (shell)
1.0 tsp black pepper (shell)
Pinch salt (shell)
Oil for frying
1.0 tbsp Olive oil
1.0 medium onion (finely chopped) (filling)
1.0 lb ground beef (cold) (filling)
0.3333333333333333 cup toasted pine nuts (filling)
1.0 tsp ground allspice (filling)
0.5 tsp ground cinnamon (filling)
Pinch salt and pepper (filling)

1 - Cover a fine mesh strainer with a light cloth (a cheesecloth, if you have one). Add the bulgur wheat in, then place the strainer into a bowl filled with water. Let the fine bulgur wheat soak in the water for 15 minutes.
2 - Pull the cloth, holding the bulgur, and squeeze all the water out. You may do this a couple of times until you are sure the bulgur is rid of water. Set aside for now.
3 - Now make the kibbeh (the actual dough that you will later use to form the kibbeh shells). Put the onion, ground beef, spices and pinch of salt into the bowl of a large food processor. Process until the meat is very finely ground almost into a paste.
4 - Transfer the meat mixture into a large bowl and add the bulgur wheat. Use damp hands to combine the bulgur with the meat mixture to make a dough. Cover and refrigerate until later.
5 - Now make the filling. Heat olive oil in a skillet or frying pan.
6 - Saute the onion until just golden, then add the ground beef.
7 - Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally until the meat is fully browned.
8 - Add the toasted pine nuts, the spices, and the salt and pepper. Stir to combine.
9 - Remove from the heat and set aside to cool.
10 - Remove the kibbeh dough from the fridge.
11 - To stuff the kibbeh, you need to have damp hands. Place a small bowl of water next to you. Prepare a baking sheet and line it with parchment paper.
12 - Dampen your hands with some water, take a handful of the kibbeh dough (about 2 tablespoon or so) and form into somewhat of an oval-shaped disc in the palm of one hand.
13 - Use your finger to make a well in the middle of the disc, and gradually hollow the disc out to make a larger well or hole for the filling.
14 - Using a spoon, add about 1 tablespoon of the filling. Seal the dough on top and, using both hands, carefully shape it into an oval (football-type shape). Place the stuffed kibbeh on the baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
15 - Repeat the stuffing steps until you run out, be sure to have damp hands throughout.
16 - Chill the stuffed kibbeh for 1 hour.
17 - Heat the oil in a deep frying pan to 350 degrees F (you'll want the oil hot enough that you can see some gentle bubbling, but not too hot where it will burn the kibbeh shells).
18 - Deep-fry the kibbeh in the hot oil, in batches being carefully not to crowd them, until the kibbeh shells are brown (about 5 minutes or so).
19 - With a slotted spoon or tongs, carefully remove the kibbeh and place them on a pan lined with paper towel to drain. Repeat until you have fried all the stuffed kibbeh.

come children let me tell you of a golden era when every day didn’t start with the words “the fuck did they do now”

That third meal is gonna be REAL unfortunate looking. But it's gonna be REAL good, I think.

"Machines built to eat people don't stop until they run out of people" will live in my head rent-free from now on.

(by @JuliusGoat)

My wife rocks. She made this. From scratch. #woodworking #LOTR

I am so proud of her skill and perseverance. I love you @amerikate !

Oh my goodness, this next recipe is one of those "grandma working hours over a hot stove" recipes....

So, those Klobásníks. They're GREAT, but the lemon flavor from the zest is a bit strong. I think next time I make them, I'll drop the lemon zest. Otherwise, they're fantastic. 😃

In 1999 to 2000 I was going through a very rough patch in my life. In the span of a few years, I'd gotten married, lost a parent, birthed a child, gotten divorced, changed careers, and relocated 3,000 miles away from everything and everyone I knew. What with the state of things, I didn't get to see #GalaxyQuest when it was first released.

Finally, on a day I was feeling particularly low, and shortly before the movie left the theaters, I canceled work and took myself out to a midday matinée.

I was the *only* person in a vast theater, of a size that no one builds anymore, sitting and waiting for the lights to go down. At one point, I turned and peered up at the projectionist's booth. I saw a shadowy figure moving back and forth behind the window, bending and straightening. This was in the days before automated, digital films. The Phantom Menace had been released digitally in 1999, but the equipment to show such films was extremely expensive and most theaters hadn't converted yet; "projectionist" was still a real job.

While I was looking, the figure paused, strode to the window and peered back at me, then disappeared quickly.

I turned back around and continued to fidget and ponder the misfit pieces of my life.

At the top of the aisle behind me, the theater door swung open and banged loudly on the wall. The projectionist strode down the aisle toward me, a tall barrel-shaped man with a thick beard and glasses. My first thought was that the matinee was canceled due to low turnout, and I'd be getting a refund. Just as I'd resigned myself to that, the marching projectionist shouted out in a booming voice,

"WELCOME to your PRIVATE viewing oooooooof GALAXY QUEST!!!"

He stopped in front of my row, and I saw that he had an *armload* of STUFF. One by one, he began presenting each thing to me, and as the pile in his arms dwindled, the one in my lap grew.

"As our SPECIAL VIP Galaxy Quest GUEST today, YOU are entitled to..."

"- A commemorative t-shirt!"
"- A poster suitable for framing!"
"- A limited edition refrigerator magnet!"
"- A button to pin to your lapel!"

The list and the shwag went on. With every ridiculous item, I laughed harder and harder, until there were tears leaking out of the corners of my eyes.

Then he bowed and shouted, "WE HOPE YOU ENJOY THE SHOW!" and turned on his heel to march back up the aisle and out the exit door.

Alas, of all the shwag only the magnet has stood the test of time. But the humor and kindness of the unknown projectionist lives on.


Jenn: "Ah, remember that time your entire job interview was 'Do you know Linux?' 'Yes, I use--' 'YOUR HIRED.'? Good times."

Morgan Freeman: "They were actually not good times, and Jenn's memory was playing tricks on her."

My paternal grandmother was born in Berlin, Germany in 1900. She was, as was her whole family, Jewish. She was smart and driven. Had her own dressmaking shop by the time she was 25. But, the handwriting was on the wall, and she left home for New York in 1925. She learned English and worked as a dressmaker until she got married to an Italian immigrant she met in English language class. Some of her siblings stayed in Germany. Perished in the camps. Her youngest sister survived and came to America. But she was mentally damaged from that horror, attempted suicide at least once (had a scar around her neck) until she succeeded in drowning herself.

People talk about the horrors of fascism in the abstract. But for my family, it is very real. I think that we all need to speak about it.My generation, the grandchildren of the victims of the Nazis, is old now. I try to tell this story as often as I can.

I first read about this #Florida bill being proposed to allow the state to remove trans kids from the care of their supportive parents 20 minutes ago...and I just can’t can’t begin to get my head around what is being suggested in a supposedly democratic country.

This is barbaric, inhumane and essentially facist.

I have just renewed my vow to never set foot on US soil ever again.

watching American fascism consolidate itself by mainstreaming trans eradication and every single day I think about what happened to the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, how it was one of the first things the Nazis went after, an easy target, followed by others.

Growing up, I had three sisters. One of them was a quiet child, often angry or sullen and sometimes cruel.

One day that person went away.

And then I had a brother.

He was cheerful and warm, finally comfortable in a body he'd wanted his entire life.

Conservatives want to eradicate my brother. I'm here to say that's not going to happen.


AS we're now in March, I'm in Job Search Phase 2 1/2. ORiginally, I planned to go into "Phase 3" but the jury duty had me in a bad spot of "I can't really apply cause I can't plan interviews for like, two weeks, if I get called to serve (which I didn't)."

So I'm still looking for work that $80k like in Phase II, but "1/2" part is that I'm willing to go as low as $40k just to get money coming in. I've put in a TON of aaplications just today because of that. I'll jump ship if I get something under $80k.

We'll push off Phase 3 to April, when everything kinda hits the fan. Which is what I planned Phase 3 to address anyways....

Still two more meals to make, but one is literally "assemble the sammich before eating" and the other is waiting on an ingredient at the post office.

Reminder that a bigoted, authoritarian law can be "unenforceable" and "unconstitutional" and still destroy people's lives every minute it's on the books.

And another reminder that "clearly unconstitutional" means literally nothing given our current Supreme Court.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.