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StruanWatch 2K23 - while punching down my dough, it farted. I think that's a good sign. That yeast is sure happy.

Florida has extended the “don’t say gay” law all the way through high school graduation

This means all public school children cannot mention or learn about the existence the LGBTQ+ community

All the bad faith people saying “this will only apply up to 3rd grade” are part of the problem. Literal useful idiots to fascist Christian zealots.

If you're cis, I'd like you to read this article and learn that Missouri is about to enact a full ban on transition healthcare for transgender people. The deadline is April 27.

No cisgender person I've shared this with has had any idea that this is a ban, not a regulation - the requirements are impossible to meet.

I would also ask that you share this information with three other cis people today, preferably ones in or near #Missouri .

Thank you. (Update: The ban is temporarily restrained until July 24, with a new hearing about a preliminary injunction on July 20. The ban cannot be implemented until then. But the Missouri GOP is determined to ban youth trans care and sports participation, and keep allowing literal children to get married.) (Update late May: The Missouri legislature ended trans healthcare coverage for ALL minors, all people on Medicaid, and all incarcerated people. This is an absolute disaster - it means that all anyone needs to do to restrict trans healthcare for paying adults is to declare us criminals - but it is at least not a flagrant violation of the lawmaking process like Bailey's "emergency rule" was.)

If you live in a state that has or is trying to de-facto ban your pride parade, it's time to go old school.

I help organize one of the world's largest *unpermitted* annual demonstration marches, and I'm happy to connect you with our coalition to learn how you can do the same.

We will NOT be silenced in OUR streets.

Dreamed that I was leading Ann Richards to the Texas Governor's Mansion (which for some reason was the Alamo) and when Greg Abbott refused to recognize the transfer of power, she slapped him out of his wheelchair.

So, a year ago, at the TMP showing (as I've said a MILLION times since), I had a few minutes with Doug Drexler, Michael Okuda and Dave Blass. Filming had just finished on Picard Season 3 and they all really pushed that Season 3 of Picard was going to be "something special."

It absolutely was.

Without spoiling anything, I want to say that Season 3 is not just what I wanted out of the Picard series to begin with, but the new era of Trek in General. Discovery and Season 1 and 2 of Picard all felt only vaguely connected to the Star Trek Universe. The trappings were theyre, but they felt like square pegs in round holes. Discovery eventually found its footing launching itself into the future.

Strange New Worlds and even Lower Decks, however, do what Picard Season 3 finally did: Allowed themselves to be their own thing, but still deep in the tapestry of Star Trek.

This was absolutely something special. And I hope the future of Trek is this future. Where we aren't trapped in what came before, and we're not ignoring what came before, but that we use the universe to inform the new stories that are coming.

Great job, y'all. Great job.

So, I just watched the last episode of Picard. Biggest takeaway: Chateau Picard has just been bottled Changeleing since Jean-Luc took over. No wonder they're pissed off at him.

Alright, I've relegated pretty much everything but the PS5, Wii U and Switch to "Museum" status. I moved all my DSi games off the New Nintendo 3DS XL, and put them on the Nintendo DSi XL, and copied all my Wii games off the Wii U back to the Wii. So they're on the original hardware they were designed for.

My original Nintendo 3DS still has all the DSi and 3DS games on it, since it's also my video card modded machine, and I can use that for streaming.

And now they're all just display pieces for now....

I just made some amazing fried chicken in a completely different way than I normally do.

Basically, threw some chicken thighs into a bowl, and added ten of the Colonel's eleven herbs and spices (I was out of celery salt), an egg and Tapatio sauce for some heat. Mixed it all up so it got all over the chicken.

Then I added flour by the quarter cupful, mixed it up, and did it again until the chicken was white with flour. Deep fried it up and OH MY THAT'S GOOD. Lot less wasted flour, too.

Woke up this morning with the idea for chicken flavored butter, and if that's not a thing that exists, I need to get to the patent office ASAP.

Think I'm gonna remake the struan bread. I'd rather get the basics of breakmaking down right, before jumping into something that's a bit more complicated than your average loaf (not that struan is simple....)

Oh, I'm so looking forward to this. "Strange New Worlds" was such a great riff on TOS in this new era of Trek, while managing to keep to the spirit of the 60s show.

Just left a voice mail to create a doctor's appointment. I finished off with my usual "Again, that phone number is xxx-xxxx. Hope to hear from you soon!" and hung up....


"The road to fascism is lined with people telling you to stop overreacting." - The Internet

Unpopular Trek Opinion:

So, the Section 31 movie is coming out. I love love LOVE Michelle Yeoh, both as Mirror Universe Georgiou and Prime Universe Georgiou...but I've never ever liked the idea of Section 31.

While the idea of a "We do the dirty things that keep the happy things safe" makes sense, it's always felt like such a "Not Federation" idea all the way back to their debut in DS9. Also, for the secret organization they were protrayed as in DS9 and Enterprise, they've sure broadcasted their existence loudly in the new era series.

I'm kind of glad this is going to be a movie, because I genuinely debated wether I'd watch a Section 31 TV Series. I'm more likely to watch a one-off movie.

So, a few days ago, on my "carb cheat day" I was craving some spaghetti, and I had some, but no sauce. To-go pasta is just too expensive, and if I wasn't going to pay for spaghetti, I was kinda wondering if I could skip buying the sauce.

I have some tomato puree and tomato sauce and tomato paste. I cook pretty good now, why not make a spaghetti sauce from scratch.

HOLY COW THAT WAS SO SO SO EASY. On top of that, I find spaghetti sauce usually far too sweet and salt it up, I could salt it as I made it, and it was perfect.

No measurements cause I was just kinda making it to taste, but all I did was take the tomato puree, but it on medium high heat, add some oregano, Italian seasoning, garlic powder, onion powder and salt and pepper. I let it reduce for a bit while I was making the spaghetti.

At the end, I took the spaghetti, put it directly in the sauce and let it sit a few minutes, before dumping into a plate. Perfect, and burned off some leftover ingredients that I rarely use to begin with.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.