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Neck pain hasn't been too much of an issue all day, and in fact is slowly SLOWLY going away. Arm tingles and goes numb every so often, but I'm noticing it's more only when I put pressure on my elbow, versus when my neck hurts. No real back pain. I'm hoping this is going away. I'll cancel the Doctor's appointment when I notice everything gone. But until then, I'll keep the appointment....

I wrote yesterday, I drew today. Can I keep it up with back and neck pain? Stay tuned....

Wii Fit Monday:
"This random exercise will tone your thighs."
"This next longer random exercise will tone your thighs."
"This next random even longer exercise will tone your thighs."

Jenn Tuesday:
::waddles around like I'm thirteen months pregnant::

message to cis people uncomfortable with minors taking hormones 

Unfriendly reminder that as someone who had to wait until I was an adult to transition, I have no childhood. The nostalgia for high school you all take for granted doesn't exist for people who didn't get to be themselves. Transitioning in childhood is a blessing, not a curse.

The fear you have about a cis person accidentally transing themselves and what it'd feel like? That's exactly how trans kids who can't transition feel.

Thoughts After Bed:

"A prophecy that misread could have been."

Watching 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea tonight...was Kirk Douglas' character supposed to be the good guy? Cause, honestly, he's just coming across as a Big Jerk.

If it weren't for the shipwrecking, I'd call Nemo the hero of this movie. :)

Getting a little bored of the basic food I've been eating since the paychecks stopped, so I made some carne picada. But I really messed it up.

Not sure what I was thinking, but I put in the potatoes to cook, and when I should have put the meat in to brown, I added all the veggies instead. My head was all "this will boil the meat in flavors" but in the end all I ended up with was very grey meat.

Then, as I was adding all the spices, I accidentally added Curry instead of Cumin at one point. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't what I wanted.

I've been...distracted. By a lot of things. Mrf.

Military grade P38 can opener works just like all the MRE aficionados said it would. Great little thing to have in the emergency kit....

The neck and shoulder and arm pain continue...but I think I know the cause. My glucose sensor. I think I hit a nerve when I applied it.

I ripped it off before bed after noticing that the arm pain was radiating it from under it. Let's see if I'm any better over this weekend.

Thankfully, I have my finger stick monitor until then.

True confession: I can't hear the Star Wars title without hearing these lyrics:

Today's Trip in Green. Stil some more Northwestern Section stuff I want to see, but not much. Then I'll move on to another section....

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.