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The True Meaning of Cinco de Mayo.

This is the day we fill our sinks with mayonnaise and tortilla chips in hopes of distracting El Cucui from eating the kids.

At least that's how we celebrated in our house.

Today's Trip: Bellingham and Lynden. Lynden loves its windmills. Bellingham loves to honk at you for any minor inconvenience.

Struan Bread, Round 3.

This time, I followed the directions until my instrincts said "don't do that," used buttermilk for the dairy instead of the yogurt, and instead of having it rise five times, I did four, with the fourth rise being a bench rise.

The oven...the oven was well monitored, preheating for an hour while I dialed in the correct temperature (350F in oven seems to be 300 on the dial). But I made SURE it was the right temp, and it baked for the full amount of time in the recipe instead of being ready in half the time.

Also, I noticed the ingredients list listed sesame seeds, but the instructions mentioned poppy seeds. Again, not the most reliable recipe. So I decided (1) to go ahead and put sesame seeds on it and (2) use an eggwash to stick the seeds to the bread better. And it worked beautifully.

The end result...It doesn't seem as fluffy as the last loaf (I'm not sure how as it's it "taller" than the collapsed bread), but isn't really dense like the first loaf (I still think there's too much punching down of the dough). Not as wet as the last loaf, but not as dry. But you know what? It's bread! It's actually very good, and I'm calling this a success, adding it to my regular routine, and moving forward. Might make some cornbread next time....

It's nice making your own bread. REAL nice making GOOD bread.

The big question for May the Fourth: "Why do all the Jedi dress like Tatooine moisture farmers?"

did you know that if you rearrange the letters in "MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU" you get "BONER FUNERAL"

In the last week or so, I've been working on making a trip from Texas to Washington for a move for a friend. The needs were simple, just avoid Idaho. No real sightseeing, just get us there in four days. Super simple, super easy, and super heartbreaking.

I havent' done a cross country trip since 2018. I didn't feel safe anymore crossing the hostile areas in Arizona, Utah, Idaho and Montana. I used to, to be sure, but that's because I had a basic belief in Americans: "If you need help, people will help you." But about 2018, people took off the masks, felt emboldened to hate, and I no longer felt safe crossing through those areas. Heck, I'm even wobbly about driving around eastern Washington just because I'm brown.

I did make an Oregon Trail roadtrip I'd planned around that time. The number one thing, though, was that I would only stop at chain hotels and gas stations. Anything that involved being around people, even historical sites, would be passed by.

Now it's not even a matter of "If you need help." It's a matter of the state governments actively creating laws against transfolk. I know Mom is sad that I don't go to Texas anymore. And I know where in Texas I can go and everything will be good (Austin, San Antonio, a rapidly shrinking portion of the Hill Country).

But say I get pulled over for something, speeding, not having a state inspection sticker (I actually got pulled over for that on one of my trips in Texas - Washington registered cars don't have state inspection), and end up in a jail? I'm in a system that, at this point, is DESIGNED to legally misgender, misclassify and ignore my legal status as a woman.

I'm going back to Texas for the lunar eclipses coming up. I really don't want to miss those given I missed the last one in Oregon after spending $1000 on accomodations and equipment. I do plan to at least visit one site in the Hill Country where a Native/Cowboy fight took place. But I won't be going alone. And I won't be going pretty much anywhere else.

It's just not safe anymore. And I feel kind trapped on this side of the Cascades, with very few places on the other side in my reach feeling very safe.

Poured out some ibuprofin for my continuing neck pain, and suddenly a wierd pill popped out of the bottle. First I thought that it was one of my (numerous) meds...but it wasn't. So that's scary.

I did look up the pill online in case my bottle was contaminated, but it turns out that it's just non-gel ibuprofin, so it was probably a pill that got in the bottle.

But holy cow, that's a worrying thing to see.

I remember this angle so so so well. When I had my "Ten Minutes on the Bridge" moment at Star Trek: The Experience in Los Vegas, I spent a lot of time behind the arch where the picture was taken. I was actually too scared to go up front for too long cause "That's not where my station was." ❤️

I really wish I could share the picture, but it has someone else in it, and honestly, I'm not looking real good in the pic. :)

Go watch the video walking you through the new Enterprise D set and the immaculate care they put into it:

@weezmgk @neilhimself

Once the current TV shows that have been written is exhausted, networks will go with unscripted tv shows.

One thing the average tv viewer can do is not watch the barrage of upcoming new unscripted tv shows networks will start in place of scripted tv.

Watching them is kind of like crossing the picket line.

#UnionStrong #WritersStrike

To my American friends, happy 503! May all your services be temporarily unavailable.


"Shine On, You Crazy Diamond." Phrase.

When someone asks me something challenging (As in a challenge to me), I will always try to answer fairly. If they continue to push, I say "Shine On, You Crazy Diamond" as my way of saying "Yer not worth my time, dude. You do you."

See also: "You go on with your bad self" and "Chump don't want the help, chump don't get the help."

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.