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It's like looking into a mirror when I cook in real life and it's not terrible!

Also, I read all these descriptions in the voice they used for Fukui-san in the English dub of Iron Chef back in the 90s.

A better picture of the Hylian Tomato Pizza. Gonna make this soon, I think. 🙂

Storyline spoilers for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom 

So, yeah, by not going to the Rito area first, I missed out on a lot of the introductory story. And that first one really pinged on a story idea that really hits home. Having to pivot your life due to changes in your environment. This takes a lot of forms, and I use it in some of my stories, but the one I love the most is having to adjust to life in the distant past and even go native in it.

I think this is where that story is going.

BBQ? Barbecue?! Dude, I lived ten minutes from Lockhart, Texas, this better @#%^ing WOW me if you're calling it BBQ.

Hard drive seeds have sprouted. They should add a platter every few weeks, and the outer shell usually forms by late September.

Kim Kardashian crossed the picket line. Fuck Kim Kardashin for a million things but, today? Specifically that.

Their high school canceled an LGBTQ play. These teens put it on anyway.


From one of my Mexican friends of indigenous heritage:

"Why are MAGAs so upset over hearing people speak Spanish in America? White people brought Spanish to Latin America. It was the language of the colonizer. You'd think they'd be really into it."
#spanish #espanol

So, after eating a whole bunch of Korean Chamoy Melons, I've come to the conclusion that melons are the BEST FRUITS OF ALL TIME.

I always wondered why my DVD of Flash Gordon looked so bad. It's not just letterbox, it's 4x3 presented letterbox, so the final cropped image is TINY.

Went out to grab some Subway...that winded me, so I think groceries are tomorrow....

Wow my voice is just clicks and whistles. I was REALLY sick, wasn't I?

Wierd dream situation last night where I kept dreaming that I was waking up, and writing my dreams down...but not actually waking up. That made for a confusing actual wake-up.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.