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Grimace wakes in a bathtub, groggy and in pain and covered in ice. He reaches for his chest and feels the sutures.
McRib season is back.

When someone tells you "Be strong," they are encouraging you to not give up. When I say it, I am reminding you that you are strong, that you already have it in you to prevail. Do not forget it.

My biggest problem with #capitalism is that it forces everyone to make earning money their primary objective.

Not to provide valuable services for society.
Not to make sure that people don't suffer.
Not to preserve our environment.

All these things are just optional side effects to the main objective of making money, and will be easily discarded if doing the opposite turns out to be more lucrative.

Holy shit, #Babylon5 animated movie trailer just dropped:

In addition to streaming and digital purchase, they're also releasing the film to physical media, and not just hiding it all behind one streaming service.

Star Trek Before Bed:

It's nice to see the post ST:TMP era of Star Trek getting some love:

I've always had a headcanon about what happened after ST:TMP. When I was a kid, it was "another five year mission with Kirk!" and later, as a tween who was just finding out about Phase II, figured Phase II would happen post TMP.

As an adult, I noticed Kirk was an Admiral in The Wrath of Khan, so I'd assumed Kirk left the Enterprise after the V'Ger incident, and that's when Spock became Captain of the ship, and had his own five year mission.

I went with the last one for a long time as it made sense. In TWOK, it's mentioned the Enterprise is 20 years old and ready for retirement (my truck ran longer than that, Starfleet). That'd make sense if we had five years of Spock, five years of Kirk, five years of Pike and five years of April.

Eventually, as Trek shiften into a multiverse, I stopped trying to reconcile all the different stuff, and just shuffle them off into their own universes (TOS splits and goes directly to Wrath of Khan in my "Military" timeline, while TAS splits from TOS and TMP comes after TAS in what I call the "Roddenberry" timeline).

It's nice to see this area explored a bit, as it's a grey area that rarely got touched after TWOK.

I also have a head canon for the post TOS/pre TNG era, but that gets into a wierd area I like to say parallels the downfall of the Roman Empire...but they got better. :)

First real productive day since this whole pinched nerve thing started almost a month ago, what with cleaning house, chipping away at dishes, and making a pizza! Hope this means it's going back to not-pinched, she said already feeling it starting back up....

Still need to move forward with everything, though. It's likely this has been going on since third grade, when I got my first neck crick and has been something more serious than I realized.

This Week's Meals (3/3): Hylian Tomato Pizza

This came out better than I expected, which is great, cause once they came out, I completely destroyed them because I forgot to flour my pizza pan, and they cooked directly into the pan. Oops. Made for a nice casserole.

Thankfully, I didn't do that with the second pizza. :9

Some changes between my first attempt and rewriting the recipe. I put everything on the pizza BEFORE adding the mozzarella, so the mozzarella could bind the ingredients better. That doesn't look like the Zelda picture, but mades for a pizza that holds together better. Also, there was FAR too much tomato in my original recipe, and were far too large. Smaller ones will fit onto the slices a bit better.

# Hylian Tomato Pizza

Personal Trainer: Cooking
1.0 pizza

1.0 cup bread flour
0.5 tbsp dry yeast
0.5 tsp sugar
0.25 tsp salt
0.5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
7.0 oz fresh mozzarella cheese (diced into 1/4 inch cubes)
1.0 oz black olives (sliced)
0.5 whole bell pepper (sliced into rings)
0.75 cup water
0.5 medium tomato (sliced into 8 wedges per 1/2 tomato)
0.5 cup tomato sauce

1 - Put the warm water into a bow! and add the dry yeast.
2 - Stir in the sugar
3 - Leave the yeast and sugar in a warm place for 15 minutes to activate the yeast.
4 - Put the bread flour in a mixing bow and add the activated yeast mixture.
5 - Add the salt and olive oil.
6 - Mix together well using your hands.
7 - Knead the dough until it starts to stick together.
8 - Knead the dough on a cutting board. pressing with the palms of your hands as you push the dough away from you.
9 - Rotate the dough 45 degrees and fold it over. Continue to knead a you did before.
10 - Knead the dough until the surface of the dough is smooth and moist.
11 - Dust a deep dish with flour.
12 - Gather the dough into single lump then cut into the number of pizzas you'd like to make. Roll each portion of the dough into a ball.
13 - Wait a few moments before transferring the balls of dough to the deep dish.
14 - Cover the dish with a dry dish towel and leave it in warm place for approximately 50 minutes.
15 - Preheat an oven to 475F.
16 - Remove the dough from the deep dish and press down to release any air that has built up.
17 - Dust the dough and rolling pin with flour and roll the dough balls into flat round pizza crusts.
18 - Spread tomato sauce over the pizza crust, about 1/2 cup per pizza.
19 - Layer eight tomato wedges in a spiral pattern over each pizza crust.
20 - Scatter an equal amount of black olives over each pizza crust, about 1 ounce per pizza.
21 - Scatter an equal amount of bell pepper rings over the pizza crust.
22 - Scatter an equal amount of mozzarella completely over each pizza crust., about 7 ounces per pizza.
23 - Put the pizzas in the preheated 475F oven and bake until they are crisp and golden.

I might have over estimated the amount of tomatoes I needed and underestimated the mozzarella.

Pivoting the Hylian Tomato Pizza recipe from 6 small single serving pizzas to 2 larger 3 slice serving pizzas. I blame the pain for me thinking 6 small pizzas was better than 6 slices of pizza.


(Note to self, consider a mandolin)

Woke up this morning, added an icepack for about two hours to my neck, and managed to get the dishes partially done, and still feel decent.

You know what that means.

Hylian Tomato Pizza

CBS News: So how will this indictment affect Trump's chances for the presidency?


Seriously considering moving to paper plates and cups until this pinched nerve is taken care of.

200 Temba, his arms wide
302 Mirab, with sails unfurled
403 Chenza at court, the court of silence
404 Kadir beneath Mo Moteh
500 Shaka, when the walls fell

(Update: According to the game, even after finishing the main quest, I'm only 44.22% done with TOTK, and 98.68% done with BOTW)

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Well now that the main story is finished, I'm going to play a lot more casually and finally really get into the walkthroughs and whatnot. I'm no where near 100% done with the game and probably never will be.

Even five years after Breath of the Wild, I'm still at 99% according to the BOTW map because I've never beaten the survival DLC, and if something isn't fun, I don't do it (or as I call it Jenn%).

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.