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Moderation should be aggressive and ruthless.

Err on the side of caution that reduces the most harm because bigots thrive on being given second chances.

Woke up today and WE HAVE AN ANSWER TO MY CHRONIC COUGH as well as another symptom I have that causes violent coughing.

I took a barium swallow test back on Friday, and the results show that there's "liquid penetration into my vocal cords." This matches with another symptom I've had of "a drip I can't swallow."

They're suggesting I see a speech therapist to finally solve this.

Finally, an answer. Now for the pinched nerve.

Any trans Kansas US citizen should, if able, obtain a passport reflecting their lived gender. The gender on your birth certificate or driver's license is irrelevant for passport purposes. The passport can be used in the place of the birth certificate in nearly every way. It can be used in place of state ID for nearly everything except demonstrating driving privileges. For instance, it can be used to prove lawful right to work in the USA.

There should be a Bedchel kind of test for the use of alack without also mentioning alas.

A great example of how to handle a trans character:

1. Deadname is left as jibberish to prevent its use by assholes

2. Deadname does not hold power over the character

What an asshole. Kansas AG Kris Kobach said all trans Kansans' IDs will be switched back to their assigned sex at birth.

If you weren't born in Kansas, how would they even know?

There should be heat sinks to strap onto your head

So, what's going on with Jenn. Got a call from my Doctor about the results from the MRI. I don't have a bulged disc, I have THREE. I need to call a spine specialist for injections tomorrow, and we'll find out when that will be.

I've heard good things about the injections, and they should take care of most of the pain. But my doctor said between this and the misaligned vertebrae, I'm looking at surgery in my future. When? Not sure, it all depends on how well the injections work.

Why does this affect my projects? The comics and writing are all done at my computer. Sitting down, versus standing, causes minor pain in my neck. Lifting my arm (specifically my left arm) begin hurting, tingling and if I hold it up too long, pain all down my left arm, shoulder blade and neck.

So I can't work on stuff anymore than a few minutes at a time. Cold compresses help, but not the computing stuff. So all my writing and drawing projects are on hold. I find I can type more if I do it with my bluetooth keypad and drop my arms, but that's like 30 minutes of computing time versus 15.

For a year that was supposed to have me rebooting all my creative projects, as well as start a really lucrative project with a friend, I may need to stop and try again later. :/

Not to alarm anyone, but the future of many of my projects now depends on when I can get into a spinal specialist for pain management. We'll find out hopefully sooner than later.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.