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I love that the Doctor Who Blu Ray collections are also mini episodes featuring the companions (and even the Doctor) in the Blue Ray.

Okay, body. I refused to sleep when you demanded I needed to sleep during my evening, thanks to you deciding on just five hours of sleep this morning.

I'm going to bed now. I need to be up an noon. We have appointments. YOU'RE GOING TO LET ME SLEEP, RIGHT?

...maybe I should load up on melatonin. Just in case....

Today's Agenda:

❌ Eight hours of sleep (got five)
❌ Make more or cream (didn't freeze...additional ❌ for wasting food)
❌ Go get car license tabs (WHY DO YOU CLOSE AT 4PM?!)

Declaring a "No!" Day, where the universe does its version of blocking an ant from moving forward in any direction, and playing Zelda all day.

I'll try again tomorrow.

Today's Agenda:

❌ Eight hours of sleep (got five)
❌ Make more or cream (didn't freeze...additional ❌ for wasting food)
❌ Go get car license tabs (WHY DO YOU CLOSE AT 4PM?!)

Declaring a "No!" Day, where the universe does its version of blocking an ant from moving forward in any direction, and playing Zelda all day.

I'll try again tomorrow.

So I think what ruined the spaghetti casserole for me were the peas. It specifically called for canned peas, instead of frozen, and canned ones have a flavor and mushiness I don't like compared to frozen. I MIGHT try it again with frozen one day.

But it will not be that day for a long time.

For the first time in a month, I've been able to sit at a computer and do some work. I may be tempting fate, but I'm gonna try and get stuff done again. The universe hates that, so look forward to a broken arm, or a meteor hitting me on the head.

I regret making that Spaghetti Casserole. It's bad. REAL bad. :P

When the #Jira ticket says "as a user, I want a cheeseburger" and the devs don't bother actually reading the #UserResearch docs before executing

Physical copies of the book have arrived, and it's officially out in a month (!

Just in case, here's a non-exhaustive list of things in it you may enjoy if you are Extremely Online (in no particular order):

- Ancient Internet drama
- Crossdressing Star Trek fanfic
- Clipart
- Glamour Shots
- Classic Usenet flamewars
- Epic flounces
- Overuse of the word "cyber"
- Tortoiseshell cats


that's me in the corner
that's me in the ice box
choosing plum nutrition

whenever my boss says "think of the big picture, elle" I'm immediately an astronaut floating silently in space tethered to my ship looking down on earth, and nothing he wants seems important or even relevant so this tactic has really backfired on him more than once is what I'm saying

Thanks to efforts by volunteers Nosamu and bai0, the Internet Archive's flash emulation just jumped generations ahead.

Mute/Unmute works. The screen resizes based on the actual animation's information. And for a certain group who will flip their lid:

We can do multi-swf flash now!

A pile of previously "broken" flashes will join the collection this week.

It’s amazing to think how much digitization has made it less likely content will last beyond a generation. Writing on stone tablets last hundreds to thousands of years. An Atari cartridge or Betamax tape is almost impossible to consume today if you aren’t a collector of classic electronics.

I used to think my kids and grandkids would read my blog posts and tweets. Now I doubt Medium or Twitter will still be around in ten years.

I am so far out of spoons I think I might also be out of knives.

One of these days I'll put up a post on @Maholmire saying I need three million USD to build a state-of-the-arc space shuttle with ion propulsion so that we can colonize Mars with transsexual lesbian anarchists before the Americans do.

Is that something you might be interested in @eris and @Mondobizarrro?
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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.