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Well. This is a worrying thing.

I tend to anthropomorphize inanimate objects, and honestly, I kinda have that same attitude for Lisa here. I don't hate her for replacing news anchors, but at the same time, I'm not liking how she got there.

An evening in State College, Pennsylvania, 1997, twenty six years later.

Went to a radar museum today and frankly, more systems should have dedicated buttons called "pigeons"

If you're wondering what SAG/AFTRA members can/can't do during the strike, check the FAQ sections here:
(and no, they can't do #SDCC or other con events involving any struck company).

Please pass along to fan communities so we can educate ourselves. Nobody needs fans harassing our faves for not doing events they can't do, or harassing them for doing something it's still totally OK for them to do ​ #SFFNews #sagaftra

Why A Transgendered Woman Calls for Psychiatry's Destruction by Camille Moran. (cw mention of rape) 

From baeddel-meinhof’s blog

My name is Camille. I am born transgendred woman. When I was a child I said that I was a girl but the world called me a “faggot.” Under the sky of pain called psychiatry I was locked away for many years and had the requisite tortures: the terror of electroshock, my bones broken, my body drugged and raped, I was not raised as a gender but as a bug of a child to be smashed.

I am nobody’s victim. My body belongs to me & so does my holy brain. I am the ghost of the untapped conscience of shrinks, a lurking justice, a part of the gathering truth that is rising with a common voice out of the wake of their evil blue fire.

Transsexuals are born into the book of labels. We may be genetic but we are not genetically defective sub-human creatures. By the very nature of our difference, the independence of out alien spirituality, and the passion of the power of our will, we are a threat to the ruling delusions of the mental death profession.

No one has our permission to debate the validity of our existence, to define our reality, to dismiss our pain, and to name us. We name ourselves.

If you could look into the collective genetic memory of your humanity you would find us in the rivers of your dreams, for we were always here, we here here when Earth was a green spirit. We were a natural occurrence in a singing world. In times of absolute horror and destruction I wish for you all the transformational creativity of an utterly beautiful madness, ans I offer you the blessing of a holy human freak.

More info from tumblr user bananapeppers, found in the notes:

“[…] this appears in Dendron no. 33/34 (fall 1993). PDF available via Judi Chamberlin Papers, Special Collections and University Archives, University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries.”

Box 15: It’s unavailable digitized online as far as I was able to find after a brief search.

Tired of not seeing your candidates on the final voting ballots? PRIMARIES ARE COMING UP.

Vote the heck out of the pirimaries, and who knows, your guy may show up on the final ballot. But you gotta get your votes out there.

If you have a primary coming, please vote.

"I'm a Neccomancer."

"Don't you mean..."

"No, you heard me right. I have powers over mediocre wafer candy."

I love how some folks are trying to discredit Fran Drescher because she was anti-vaccine. Like a bad take invalidates everything else. Yes, she was wrong about being Anti-Vax. She's right about the strike.

Something I was thinking about recently after a conversation with a friend.

I love a good conspiracy theory. Big fan of Art Bell before he went all right-wing, and enjoyed alternate viewpoints even if they were a bit wacky or far fetched.

Thing is, I don't really believe them. They're a fun mind-exercize in viewing things from another angle. Sometimes I will lean harder into at least considering a conspiracy theory to be the correct theory, but if shown or told something that contradicts it, I'll go with the more plausible explanation.

I want to believe in ghosts and UFOs and the bermuda triangle and the Bell Witch and Mothman. But I need to see proof and plausibility to go with it....

Baking question for bakers out there. If the bred is cooked through, but a little dry, it's just that I probably cooked it too long, versus needing to make a moister dough?

The yeast rolls were good, just a little dry.

"The guilds have strike funds to help with teens and medical payments during strikes, however, help is always welcome."

::thinks about cordially inviting every Star Trek actor/writer to my house for a nice homemade Tex-Mex Dinner with plenty of leftovers to help::

I may be a product of my time, but everytime I see Emily Fleming in a 1970/80s themed episode, I can't look away.

I may be a product of my time, but everytime I see Emily Fleming in a 1970s themed episode, I can't look away.

Super Productive Day today.

Had my first physical therapy session for my neck. The idea at this point is to strengthen my left arm, and strengthen my posture, both of which should help my pinched nerve issues. 30 minutes of a mostly relaxing massage and 30 minutes of excersize twice a week? I'll allow it.

We had a power outage today in town - apparently a power line CAUGHT FIRE knocking power out for about two hours. Perfect timing to head into Monroe and have a Girls Night Out with Crystal and Lissa and play some catch up and Zelda strategies. 🙂

After that, I spent some time at the Pride Across the Bridge get together in town. First time with that group since the big panel in May. Glad I went. I've felt like I've flaked on them multiple times, but the neck was at it's worse since that panel. I need to step up my role as a trans elder and glad I can.

After all that, came home, played some Zelda, and I'm about to head to bed.

A good day, first in a LONG time.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.