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Pronounciation Check: "McDonald's."

"Mack Donald's?"
"Mick Donald's?"

I didn't think cheese and chocolate would be a flavor combination I'd enjoy, but after 2020, all bets are off.

attention: the remainder of today has been [[[CANCELLED]]] by the Secret Robot Council

the Secret Robot Council states that all automata; cyborgs and virtualati have been cleared to take the rest of today to take their brain medication, have a little lie down, listen to Tangerine Dream or Vangelis or whatever, and Not Think for however long they need to.

everyone else is on their own recognizance.

the Secret Robot Council is done talking now. Remember, Fix Your Hearts Or Die.

(a note for online etymology sticklers--triple brackets "[[[ ]]]" in this context indicates DJ horns)

Insurance denied my spinal injection the day before I was supposed to have it.

The American health care system is a joke.

Confession: My trans posts tend to be very boob-centric, but it's because the boobs are the thing that came out the best. They're FAR from perfect, but they did their best.

And sometimes the joy runs deep too:

::sits down for a few minutes of screen time before my neck complains::
::sits and types a bit::

"What is that weight on my forearms? Oh, right. Breasts. I have breasts."

::thirty seconds of joy that I have breasts::

Why should you fight injustice, if it affects only others? Why should you defend rights that don't affect you? Because it isn't justice if you only care when it applies to you. Because rights apply to all, or nobody at all. Because you are a true warrior, and honor demands it.

I don't generally like KickStarter, because sometimes the people don't ever follow up again after they get the $$. But I'm trusting the Pratchett Estate and @neilhimself and @ColleenDoran on this one. It just started today 8/1 It's almost 2pm EDT and it's already reached it's £25K goal! Congratulations y'all!!

Waiter: And how did you find your steak?





Me: I pushed aside the mashed potatoes

I've always had a fascination with Kowloon Walled City. I had a story where humanity built down instead of up, and based the resulting cities on Kowloon City.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.