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One of the bad things about being a night owl? I don't get an extra hour of sleep when Daylight Savings Time ends. I just usually end up being awake an extra hour.

remember, if you don't set your clocks back an hour tonight, you *will* be eaten by Langoliers. i don't make the rules here, people.

See that old brick laying on the ground? Nope AI Brick $400. See these worn out shoes I'm wearing? Nope AI Shoes $799. You think that's my regular cat? You couldn't be more wrong, that's an AI Cat worth thousands.

I'm going to be honest with you here, you need to start giving me money and fast or you are going to be left behind in the AI revolution. Kiss that big promotion and beautiful wife goodbye! Someone else is getting that life friend, unless you act now.

There should be a genre based on the music of Sharon Apple from Macross Plus

Call it Applecore

i miss trillian

remember when you really could have every chat service in one app and not get banned for it?

If you’re a trans woman considering not transitioning because your kids will (as someone today lamented to me) “lose the dad they need,” consider instead that not transitioning is denying them the mom (or trans parent of any label) they deserve. #trans

Was playing Devil's Crush on the airplane while flying back. I had one of my best games ever. Glad I figured out the screenshot function on the 3DS!

The website has been slightly updated. Turns out the design that looked good on paper did not look good on the screen. So I changed it, simpled it up, and now it's...better?

Crystal to the rescue!

"If you can't make your own, store bought is fine."

@dolari Added bonus.

SPOCK: Brace yourselves. The area of penetration will no doubt be sensitive.

(tee hee)


You know, as a 80s and 90s comic person, and a Robotech fan, I've never read the Eternity/Academy Robotech II: The Sentinels comic beyond the first few comics. I walked away from the comics world around that time.

I really should. Apparently it went off script later in the series. I do know a weekly outline was done, but were all 85 scripts? I've seen a few sources saying all 85 scripts were written, but given that the comics and novels appear to go their own way about two thirds into the story, I've wondered about that.

Much like this last year, my pan de muerto is a disaster. Back to my old recipe next year.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.