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Why do I watch Strictly Dumpling first thing after waking up? I just set myuself up for cravings I can never satiate....

Huh, I not only have the early drafts of the original Star Wars Trilogy, but Superman I and II, and now a bunch of the Transformers Movie drafts. I should absolutely do pages of all these drafts like I did for ST:TMP.

When I first transitioned, Steph and Amy were my fashion consultants. Their goal (which may have not been my goal) was to keep me from being that girl who dressed up for lunch with the queen when all she had to do was grocery shop.

While I've kinda developed my own sense of style (frumpy- baggy-hide-it-all-couture), when I'd dress up for an occasion, I'd still send a pic to Steph to show her I dressed up. It was always encouraging, and despite being down on my looks, at least would pep me up a bit.

A post about "Fashion Plates" a kid's toy where you could swap out different outfits and heads to make new outfits you could then draw and fill in) got me thinking, though. What if I DID have the body I wanted, and I COULD dress how I wanted. Or, even, see what the clothes I'm wearing in this Y Chromosome Body would look like on X Chromosome Me?

Turns out it was easy to set up, And X Chromosome me looks cute even in my frumpy-ish outfits. And it's set up that I can overlay any clothes I want on the template, assuming I can draw it.

This is what I wore to last night's city council meeting.

Linux desktop will be the Linux desktop of the Linux desktop.

An adult in bed will remain in bed until acted upon by a large enough responsibility.

-Newtons 4th Law

While setting up a "Wrapround Wednesday" for the Comico Comics Celebration I came across Lancer/Yellow Dancer's debut episode.

Oh, Yellow. My first real in depth look at a gender bending character (even before Boy George, mainly because I thought they were a cis girl at the time).

I knew I was trans at the time, and while I didn't put the trans label on Yellow/Lancer, it was nice to see. Especially when we got to episode 71 which explains Yellow's origin as a survival tactic and the fact that Lancer lived as a woman (And enjoyed it) for some time.

That kind of positive influence was something I needed at the time I realized I'd literally just figured out I was trans, even if I didn't have the vocabulary for it.

Oh, hey! New Ghostbusters movie coming! Looks like a mix of the original cast and the "new kids."

Still looks more serious than comedy, which is something I think they forgot about in the last movie, but I'm in.

Thoughts Before Bed:

"Con permiso, Capitan. The hall is rented, the orchestra engaged. It's now time to see if you can dance."

Looks like a good night for our Democrat friends tonight. Let's keep that momentum.

Trailer for the new Zelda movie just came out in Japan. LOVING who they got for Link:

Who needs a Zelda movie when we already have the pinnacle of Zelda entertainment:

Tuesday is Election Day, and while most of the nation isn’t paying much attention, there are four states where the vote plays outsized importance. I cover that in today’s Political Lightning Round.

Experience the warmth of connections at Ku’Lani while you indulge in an inclusive, adult-only community with MyStory-enabled spaces, breathtaking beach views, and a variety of activities.

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Trump is already talking about using the Insurrection Act on his first day in office, if he is reelected, to put down any civil protests. I can’t stress this enough. No matter what you think of Biden, his age, his policies, he is no dictator. He believes in democracy. We cannot let Trump anywhere near the White House again.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.