The Bean Bee Meets Another Bee
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I did not expect the Kizuna Ai anime to become Anime Idol Lesbian Babylon 5 but here we are
So I do Friday Night Dr Who.
Saturday Nights I do the Sci Fi Theater.
Sunday I do the "ABC Sunday Night Movie."
I'm realizing now that enough of my video archive is on Plex that I can start doing:
Sunday Night British TV (Like I watched back in the 80s on KLRN)
Saturday Morning Cartoons
Sunday Anime (like the old C/FO meetings)
I'm could freaking be my own personal TV Station....
Something I see when I look at my collection of Transformers is how incomplete and worn they are. And unlike a lot of collectors, I don't mind this. I don't need perfect toys, sealed mint in box. I like knowing that these toys were played with an enjoyed as a kid.
I remember some decades ago, when a friend visited my apartment with her son, he started playing with my Jetfire figure. She said "you probably shoudln't play with that." I said "No, it's quite alright. Just be gentle and don't break it."
Toys are meant for playing with and enjoying. Sometimes, enjoying them is keeping them in a box to look at admiringly. Sometimes, it's transforming all your guys into Devastator and flying him around the house.
Social Media in a Nutshell:
Facebook: That family party where everyone is having a good time, but there's that occasional relative who says something inappropriate every so often.
Twitter: This is the bad place. We do not speak of it.
Tumblr: No matter how much you try, you are a bad person and you should feel bad.
Mastodon: See Tumblr, but the Linux help is better.
BlueSky: That small bar you found when it opened, but now it's getting popular and youre not sure if you like it as much.
Threads: It's a lot like Woodstock '99 in that it's 95% corporate accounts and the occasional Twitter refugee.
Post: This feels like a news aggregator and my shitposts don't belong here.
Instgram: Facebook with 90% less politics.
Livejournal: My lonely divorced grandpa.
Dreamwidth: My lonely divorced grandma.
E3 Ends Two-Decade Run Video Game Industry’s Biggest Convention – The Hollywood Reporter
When the invasion from the fourth dimension came, it had unexpected benefits. The new overlords were surprisingly mild. They only wanted the Earth for Qling, a substance we neither understood nor needed. They filled enormous eye-warping four dimensional tankers with a cargo we couldn’t even perceive, then left us in peace. A few stayed, having found human friends and even lovers.
My neighbour is one such. We met when xe returned my lost cat. “I don’t know how she keeps getting out”, I said, “all the doors and windows are shut”.
“What about that gap there?”
“Oh of course, it’s invisible in three dimensions. Here let me close it up.”
The cat is still furious about this.
What the Texas Supreme Court ruled -- admitted, actually -- is that exceptions to abortion bans are fake. They're not real and they will never be accepted.
There exists no circumstances under which a woman will be allowed to legally have an abortion in Texas and other such jurisdictions because the point is to force pregnancies and to punish and kill women who do not produce a viable birth for whatever reason.
The prescription you fill today, while it's still legal, could conceivably be used against you tomorrow, after trans treatments are criminalized.
And, uh, don't expect your pharmacist to keep those records private. According to a Washington Post report, they're handing over patient data willy-nilly. #trans #news #health #healthcare
Artist for Closetspace and A Wish for Wings
Creative Text Writer for MTG: Universes Beyond
Writer for Sea of Legends
One enchilada short of a Mexican Platter