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"Thank you"

I wish there was a hug in the final cutscene, so I drew this. TvT

Only read if you live in Seattle 

Snow is okay. Snow is fine. Don't panic.

Watching a YouTube channel reacting and analyzing every Star Trek episode with a twist - they've NEVER seen Star Trek before. Ever. Any iteration.

Something I found funny was their reaction to Season 1 of TNG. Season 1 is pretty bad compared to the later seasons...but they've never SEEN the later seasons. And they LOVE it.

It's funny, but I remember watching those episodes and loving them as well. And really shows that while we can say things about Season 1 of Trek, or Season 1 of Babylon 5 being pretty bad, there was STILL something there to keep it going past Season 1, and these folks are rekindling a love for those "bad" episodes.

Hearing the rain come down right now, which makes me glad that I got groceries last night, as the temps are about to plummet. Which means anything left on the roads will all turn to ice here in an hour or so....

Seeing that it's going to rain or snow in the morning, and then freeze around the time I wake up, I ran out and got groceries for next week not only early, but at 12:30AM.

Thank goodness for late night grocery stores....

I haven't done a cross-country roadtrip in five years. Haven't really done a local roadtrip in six months. Haven't visited Canada in about the same about of time.

Getting itchy for a roadtrip, but I need to save as much cash as I can.

It's going to get very cold. That means it's time. TIME FOR YETO'S SUPERB SOUP.

Looks like it'll be cold, but snowless. Still gonna grab groceries early Thursday, though - Any rain or snow that freezes later in the day is just gonna freeze solid and stick around until at least Wednesday.

[Thoughts Before Bed]

Pre-transition Jenn at 13: "Oooh, racy! I wonder if I can get away with drawing this on my school book covers."

Post-transition Jenn at 49: "If I sat that way, I'd lose all my feeling in my lower legs. YOU GIRLS ARE GONNA CRAMP YOUR CALVES SITTING THAT WAY."

compared to America's current response to homelessness, Star Trek's Sanctuary Districts are actually a utopian fantasy. at least there, homeless people could camp on the streets and squat apartments and get food without the police throwing all their stuff in the trash

I wish the tech press would just call everything without a settled price a prototype.

If you haven't figured out what you have to change you haven't figured out how to produce it yet.

TIL I learned that the the town of Boring (Oregon, US) established relationship with village of Dull (Scotland, UK) in 2012; the following year they were joined with the Shire of Bland (New South Wales, AU) to form the League of Extraordinary Communities.
#til #todayilearned

Cheese. Yogurt. Cream. Butter. All of these are "street names" for one of the most dastardly devious drugs known to criminal justice: Milk.

Are your children dealing in "dairy"? Know the facts. Click here.

Here's some tips for all the newcomers on here:

-Introduce yourself by sharing your greatest fears and weaknesses. It is standard.

-If you wish to verify your account, simply post your social security number. We value security here, so remember to add in "I do not consent to any identity theft".

-Socialize by telling us who your favorite uncle is. It doesn't have to be your uncle. It can be anyone's uncle. Maybe you don't have an uncle. That's okay. No one will judge you for that.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.