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My ex used to do genealogy and did my family tree back a good few hundred years. I ran about five generations back my family was very wealthy. I would very much like to know where that went.

I also learned that I may be a distant cousin of Edgar Allan Poe which I've quite pleased about as I too plan to die drunk on the streets of Baltimore one day.

Since my daughter was held down the shutter to capture the Hummingbird stick out his tongue. I made an GIF of it.
You can watch his breath drift away.
#birds #photography #wildlifephotography #hummingbird

If enough errors are performed in a baseball game, the stadium's latency spikes and the game might need to be rebooted

"Looks like you're using an ad-blocker"

Looks like you're trying to install 52 trackers on my computer.

As someone who spent a large portion of '98 and '99 making sure shit didn't break on Y2K, I'd like to extend a very heartfelt FUCK YOU to HBO for greenlighting a piece of shit documentary that suggests that effort wasn't necessary.

A creature called a "lobster" should really be able to lob things.

“It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can stop him from lynching me, and I think that's pretty important.”

This one maybe?

Whenever someone tells me their name, I enter my Memory Palace, stand around for a bit, and then say "what did I come in here for?"

A nice trans activism thing I like to do is, whenever I see an article about a school or a library or something being trans-inclusive or supportive of trans people/issues in my country, I send them a thank you card/note in the post.

They're probably getting hate mail about it from bigots, you know? Maybe a librarian/admin person getting something like that could make a big difference, now and also further down the line.

Why Jenn Keeps Meticulous Backups:

So one of the things I've been doing is copying my CD-ROMs to ISO files and away from the proprietary MDF/MDS files that aren't always usable in Linux. However, ISO isn't good for CD-ROMs that are a mix of Data and Music. So I used Alcohol 120% to rip those to a BIN/CUE pair.

Today I got nostalgic for some DOS gaming, only to find that every BIN/CUE file's music was ripped wrong. A few web searches later and it turns out that Alcohol 120% has had a long term glitch where BIN/CUE files don't rip accurately.

Rather than re-rip the discs again, I loaded up my archive from 2022 (and then 2021 when the files I needed weren't in 2022), and pulled the original MDF/MDS files from the archive.

The files work in the DOSBox application I use, so I can just keep those files as is. Quick and easy recovery because I kept multiple backups. :)

We're back above freezing! If I can send some feedback up the chain, please no cold weather without SOME snow, please.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.