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I've been itching for a roadtrip for some time now, and with a trip to Issaquah for my doctor's appointment happening, I decided to treat it as a roadtrip, even if it was just down the street, road-trip wise.

I should do that more.

Based on the news I got today from my musculoskeletal doctor today, "Walk it off" was precisely the wrong thing for all those 80s PE Teachers to tell me when I got hurt.

oh you're a programmer? name every programming language
oh you're a computer nerd? name every computer
oh you're a furry? name every furry
oh you're an air breather? name every gaseous molecule
oh you're a you? name every [stack overflows]
oh€ you`re still_here¿ n@me every [segfaults]
?? ?????? ???? ????¿ ???? ????? [violently explodes]

just because you like your Switch doesn't mean you need to defend Nintendo.

I love my Switch, since it's just the most suitable console for my fucked-up ergonomic needs, but I also think Nintendo needs a swift kick in the market value because that's the only way to make capitalists listen to reason.

no corporation is your friend.

especially if they make that thing you like.

Thoughts Before Bed

I hope I'm doing Henry B proud. He's been on the back of my mind through all this.

I'm going to be in Issaquah for a medical appointment Thursday, and I'm still in the mood to celebrate Tuesday's victory. What's a fun place for dinner out there? XXX Root Beer closed, so I'm up for suggestions.

Mayor Amy Ockerlander's comments about the passage of the Pride Wall installation in Duvall's win are very VERY powerful:

I'm always worried what I can and can't say about this stuff online now that I'm not just involved, but VERY involved, but I think this is important enough to post about.

At last night's city council meeting, with a 5 to 2 vote, Duvall City Council voted to put up a Pride Display replacing the one removed back in July.

It's been eight months of back and forth, policy creation, comission creation, and the work of many people within the city government and concerned citizens, and a lot of blood sweat and tears.

Politics is glacial. Nothing moves quickly. But it moves. Sometimes slowly, but deliberately. And much like glaciars, it can carve out mountains given time.

I've often said if you don't like something your government does, you have to get involved. And sometimes you have to help make that change.

If you want change, get involved. And if you have the patience and the drive, you can move mountains.

::wakes up::

"Ah, I feel great, not often I get a really good refreshing night's sleep. What time is it? IT'S FIVE THIRTY IN THE EVENING AND I'VE BEEN ASLEEP FOR THIRTEEN HOURS?!"

"Well....I feel great, though."

Current Mood:

We're bringing back the Pride Wall. ❤

So I got the job.

But some caveats: It's very freelance, doesn't start for a while, doesn't pay till way later in the year, and I can't really talk about it. But it's a foot in a very big door, in a job market where all I'm getting are slammed doors. I'll take it.

I'll talk more about it, when I can. :)

Has anybody done a map of the Fediverse?

Like seeing which servers each server knows about and mapping out those connections.

I just got two calls from a number that shared my phone number's first three digits, which has lately always been a spoofed number for a spam call.

The name on the number said Garfield Watson.

So even if the spoofy number didn't give it away, I'd know something was up with it because Garfield hates Mondays and wouldn't make calls then.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.