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This applies to all current publicly available AI generators, not just those producing images.

Today's pro-tip:

If you have to do a Google search, use “before:2023" at the beginning of your search string. You get a completely different (and IMO much more usable) set of results.

The web has died.

it is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion
it is by the beans of java that thoughts acquire speed
the hands acquire shakes, the shakes become a warning
it is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion

“Please turn off your ad blocker to continue”

Nah. Easier to hit the back button and just carry on living my life. You have nothing that I want to read that’s worth what little privacy I have left.

Yet again, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy still has a job in an election year. WHY has he not been replaced? Now closing mail processing hubs in Nevada and Wyoming. Mail in ballots from NV trucked over the Sierra Nevada mountains to California to be processed means delays and lack of confidence in vote counting.

it is NEVER TOO LATE to transition

that’s what transphobic society wants you to think, because they have a vested interest in forcing you to uphold the false cis binary matrix that maintains the status quo of power

take your power back

be YOU


Google: We're no longer supporting the Torment Nexus. Please upgrade to the Torment Pixel.

If you're in San Francisco (or really anywhere in one of the Super Tuesday states) *please* vote.

No, your nomination vote for president (probably) doesn't matter this time. But there's tons of other important stuff on the ballot.


Our town still has a RadioShack. They are still stocking fresh inventory.

I think they are a franchise and not company owned, though.

The same owners have an authentic, freshly stocked "Halmark" shop, too, right next door. Fresh Halmark cards, figurines, and collectables.

...and I kid you not, the pharmacy they own, that is nestled between the two, in the Victorian aged store fronts, still has a working soda fountain

I live in a real Mayberry-like town in #AppalachianOhio

This quote is a lot more threatening than they probably intended

[Thoughts Before Bed]

Job interview in the afternoon, wish me luck.

Also, keeping with the good luck feast, what should I get for good luck feasting afterwards?

Not that it helped last time, but, gotta keep hoping.

You know what I miss on modern day PCs? Activity lights.

This Week's Fancy Pants Meal: Zuni Succotash

The last week and change I've had to do without meal prep and lemme tell you, I'm feeling it. Thankfully., I bought all of the ingredients last week, so this week's grocery bill was small.

This is essentially a mix between a vegetable medley and a beef stew. TONS of veggies in it, too, and as a fan of kernel corn, I'm really happy with this. It also feels like a lot of food per serving, while feeling like a light meal.

I am sure I've seen mom make something akin to this....

# Zuni Succotash

Spirit of the Harvest: North American Indian Cooking

1.0 pound beef (cut into small pieces)
2.0 tbsp vegetable oil
1.0 cup chopped onions
1.0 tbsp chili powder
2.0 cups tomatoes (diced)
2.0 cups corn kernels
2.0 cups green beans (cut into 2 inch lengths)
2.0 tbsp sunflower seeds (hulled) (crushed)

1 - If using canned tomatoes, drain the diced tomatoes.
2 - Pat meat dry so it will brown properly.
3 - Heat the oil in a large deep skillet over medium-high heat.
4 - Add meat, onion, and chili and sauté until meat is lightly browned and onion is softened.
5 - Stir in tomatoes, corn, and beans and reduce the heat to low.
6 - Simmer for about 15 minutes, until meat is cooked and vegetables are tender.
7 - Stir in crushed sunflower seeds and season with salt and pepper.
8 - Simmer for another 15 to 20 minutes, until succotash has thickened.

4 servings at 400 carbs per serving
Calories 478
Total Fat 21g
Total Carbohydrate 28g
Protein 36g

Normally yields 4 to 6 servings.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.