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Strong move on PornHub's part today, blocking Texan IPs from access. As has been said, once you have their Full Attention, their hearts and minds will follow.

It would be nice if they blocked access until Abbott and Paxton elected to be decent human beings instead of the slavering ghouls they are within, but little steps.

It's such a midwestern experience to have the tornado sirens going off and see your neighbors walking around outside looking the sky.

I want a documentary on the last living 80s beauty counter attendants. The ones who are dolled up and dressed to the nines and call you “hon” and tell you your skin is *glowing* when you’ve just rolled out of bed and schlepped over for some replacement primer. I am an aging millennial and I need them to know how much they are loved.

“Is the housing crisis bad?” article asks after describing nightmare housing market.

I seek information from fellow graybeards!

Old BBS nerds -- I seek your help! I'm looking for information on a DOS app I used to dial out to BBSes in the 90s called "Terminate" written by Bo Bendtsen. Before that I had been using Procomm Plus which did the job, but on installing a copy of Terminate my teenage mind was blown: the program asked "Hello, Keir, do you like intelligent programs?" It had picked up my name from an install of Front Door. The application was *really smart*. During setup you supplied a password to lock certain parts of the app down, etc.

Anyway, the program's functions were handled through the function keys and you could use those to switch between different utilities such as the terminal, phonebook, etc. One of them, though, was curious: on entering that screen, the text scrolled slowly and simply prompted "LOGON:" and waited...

Boeing apologizes for miscalculating how many of you they could kill cutting corners before everyone got all mad

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.