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Minor headache today, nausea is still there. But I'm feeling a touch better.

I would just like to say from my sick-bed in delerium that I miss Big Anime Hair.

@ami_angelwings But girl power girl corrupts and girl power girl corrupts girl absolutely

escape time loop escape time loop escape time loop escape time loop escape time loop escape time loop escape time loop escape time loop

i was this old when i found out that the icelandic word for computer is tölva, which apparently comes from tala and völva which translated literally means "number witch"

i will be only referring to myself and computing as number witch and number witchcraft

We were once so close to Heaven
Peter came out and gave us medals
Declaring us the nicest
Of the damned

Think I'm coming down with something. Developed a sudden headache, sat down to watch a movie online with friends and promptly fell asleep in my chair. Covid test is normal, but my headache is still there.

So much of getting old is like Hey you know that part of your body that you barely gave any thought to? Now it's the only thing you can think about.

A lot of us hate Escape (The Piña Colada Song) for being twee garbage but even I can admit we might think a bit differently about it if it ended in the noir-ish murder-suicide the narrative was pretty obviously setting up.

@rbreich Walmart came into communities dangling the promise of very low prices. Several years ago my rural community lost two local supermarkets to competition from Walmart. These were both decades old family run businesses. Of course, after it killed the local markets Walmart raised prices.
They have repeated this pattern throughout the US.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.