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A rare failure when cooking.

I attempted to make Iroquois Strawberry Bread, but instead of hazelnut butter, I ended up getting "chocolate hazelnut butter" (basically nutella) I tried to make it anyways, but the bread never firmed up before the outside crusted up, and the chocolate delivered a bitter taste to what's supposed to be a sweet bread.

Boogers. I'll try again once I finish the bread (or end up throwing it out, it's far more bitter than I expected it to be).

My black suede boots have a knick in them! Nooooooo....I love those boots.

This season of Discovery is really really good. Mirrors was an excellent episode.

'I just saw this "You're not lazy, you only have a certain amount of energy and right now you are using it all to survive." I don't know who needs to hear that right now, but I know someone does.'

They’re all “DIY” and “right to repair” and stuff until it comes to your endocrine system

Great to see my alma mater frantically reversing itself and admitting that yes, the guys on the roof did have "long-range firearms." It really feels like we're seconds from escalation into a true nightmare.

When you can understand why there weren't mass arrests of the proud boys, or mass arrests at Jan 6, but there were mass arrests at BLM protests, and there are mass arrests on college campuses... you'll be one step closer to understanding free speech in America.

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I am absolutely not advocating that people should ban anyone who disagrees with them on anything, or whatever. Diversity, including some level of "viewpoint diversity", is valuable. But have some principles -- not all views are worthy of respect

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You know, in the 80s people often said things like "in 40 years, everything will have computers in them", and while they weren't wrong, they severely underestimated the situation.
Our computers have computers in them. Those smaller computers often have even smaller computers inside them.

We didn't get a "everything is a computer" future, we got a future with fractal computers. The fuckers have metastasized

Some COVID conscious people are worried about mask bans because protestors are wearing them. That's understandable, but (a) they are wearing them to mitigate COVID spread, and (b) even if COVID didn't exist, they should have the right to wear them to protect against surveillance.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.