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You know you're dehydrated when you're asleep and while you're dreaming and a doctor comes out of nowhere and tells you, "You need some water, Jenn. It'll fix a lot of your problems."

"And this ain't a good sequel like Paddington 2.
"It's more like we're watching the Temple of Doom.
"No this ain't the Empire Strikes Back.
"It's the time you tried to reheat your Big Mac."

As part of testing my physical Atari800XL I installed an 800XL emualtor to make sure what I'm seeing on screen matches what I see on the system.

I have seen this text a million times, but I've only seen it like this during classes in the early 80s. Just the font shapes were enough to trigger that nostalgia feeling.

Changing up my avvie to look a little more like me. Hair is now black and longer, skin is darker. Somehow I got taller, though. I need to fix that....

“You know, this is amazing and phenomenal. And it’s something that I would never have even considered happening in my lifetime. But it happened because of a bad thing that happened to me.”

#books #censorship #homophobia #LGBTQIA+ #library #news #politics #USpol #Texas

I wish I was in a position to take a picture of it, but this morning I saw a cybertruck and a Delorean at the same intersection at the same time. It was very odd.

That angry sputtering you're hearing is me encountering my old nemesis.

4x3 letterboxed.

MMMBRINKDRINKDRINKINGGGGGG: Trump claiming he "did insulin" for people. Fuck you, fuck you fuckyoufuckyou OMG fuck off you cockwomble. #PresidentialDebate #debate2024 #Debate

Oh my God, watching there’s two candidates debate… I feel so bad for my country right now. On July 4th we shouldn’t wish America Happy Birthday, we should give her a Get-Well-Soon card.
#PresidentialDebate #Debate #cnndebate

LB - I actually watched a Try Guys video that had these and even they were like "how is this at all safe?!"

Ah wonk wonk #miniverse are banned and recalled. Probably the same for the Make version of the MiniBrands too. I am kinda sad because I love small shit, but not that sad. These things were like $12 a pop for a handful of tiny plastic pieces and about a tablespoon of UV resin.

It doesn't come as a surprise actually. But unlike the ban on Kinder Egg, this ban is absolutely right to do so. There's practically no safety information on these, and yes several kids have gotten sick as a result.

UV resin is dangerous, especially if you don't have PPE, which at minimum is an n95 or equivalent, and ESPECIALLY gloves. You can definitely get nasty allergies this way, and in no way should you breathe the fumes while it cures.

That's not including the UV lights required, which are on their own a problem in the hands of children. Miniverse tells you to put them outside, but MiniBrands straight up includes a handheld UV lamp.

So yeah that's sad but y'all should know about it, especially if you have kids.

Here's the relevant statement with specific information:

[Thoughts Before Bed]

Today was the first day in a long LONG time I feel like I've had time to relax. It's funny how just two minor unrelated events backed my life up for weeks, but at least today I could stop and relax for a while.

Back to the grind tomorrow.

::looks at the swimsuit I haven't worn in decades::

"When was I a size 16? I've NEVER been a size 16!"

Before Mastodon lets out for summer make sure to sign everyone’s yearbooks.

So, I'm so close to locking this down, but something is happening in August. And it's gonna be a lot of fun:

UPDATE: IT WAS OREGON TRAIL! Thank you to both Cynthia Lux and Bruce Powers for giving me an answer IN TWO MINUTES

Help me, Doctor Internet!

I'm remembering an Apple II (or Apple IIe) game I played in second grade, which would be about 1982) that was one of those text adventures that was text on the bottom and very pixelated art on the top. It took place in the old west.

My brain is saying it's called "Serpentine" but all the research I've done says that's a completely different game, but was out around the time of that game.

Any ideas?

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.