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It seems whenever a show needs a cantankerous old guy with a heart of gold under the gruff exterior, it's always Clancy Brown

@ami_angelwings It's a little known fact that the average Victorian Englishman ripped zero DVDs. Jack the DVD Ripper, who lived in an opium den and ripped 12,000 DVDs a fortnight on a half broken Pentium II, was an outlier and should not have been counted.

Donation request, mutual aid 

Hey all.

Our house has been without power for over 24 hours. We hid at a friend's today, but we need to get a hotel tonight. My housemate has several medical conditions which make her extremely heat sensitive. It was likely a hotel or a hospital.

We could use some help, $250 for the hotel, transit, and to help replace groceries when power comes back on.

Thank you!

Edit: added links


This Week's Fancy Pants Meal: Breakfast Calzones/Rolls

This was a recipe I had trouble with last week, so I tried again this week with a few changes, and they came out pretty darned good. It's a recipe from Robyn Nixon, and it was fairly bare bones, so I updated the recipe.

The main problem I had the first time was that this recipe calls for pizza dough. For some reason I could not get the pizza dough to stretch into a size that I could make the calzones/rolls with. It would just snap back.

This time, I ended up substituting crescent roll dough (which in itself is a substituion for dinner roll dough which I can never find around here), and it came out fine. When making the scrambled eggs, I'd very much season them like you normally scramble eggs, as they're the biggest flavor you have in the calzone/roll. I did forget I'd need cubed potatoes, so I substituted tater tots. They're potatoes.

I'd also suggest doubling the cheese portion, but that's just me. :)

# Breakfast Calzone

Robyn Nixon
6.0 calzones

14.0 oz Pillsbury pizza crust (cut into rectangles)
4.0 whole eggs (scrambled)
2.0 tbsp sausage (cooked) (crumbled)
2.0 tbsp bacon (cooked) (crumbled)
2.0 tbsp of potatoes (cooked) (finely cubed)
12.0 slices pepperoni
4.0 tbsp shredded Cheddar cheese
salt (to taste)
pepper (to taste)

1 - Spread out the pizza dough to comfortably make the number of calzones you'd like.
2 - Cut pizza dough into the number of rectangles you need.
3 - Layer cheese onto half of each rectangle.
4 - Layer pepperoni on top of the rectangle.
5 - Spoon remaining ingredients on top of pepperoni and cheese.
6 - Roll the dough over mixtures. These can also be made into calzones by pinching all four sides of the pouch instead of simply rolling them.
7 - Pinch edges if you can. Might have to stretch dough. Rolled them over so the seams were on the bottom.
8 - On a parchment layered baking sheet bake at 400 degrees for 13 minutes
9 - Once browned removed from oven and spray with olive oil.

6 servings at ~37.5g carbs per serving
Calories 306
Total Fat 10g
Total Carbohydrate 39g
Protein 13g

Yields 4 servings normally

Yeah, that bread crust is absolutely burned. The insides aren't bad, though. I'll try again in a few weeks.

I gotta remember that my oven runs hot AND whole wheat bread is done at 195F. And remember to take in account BOTH, not one or the other.

In this case I just watied until the inside hit 195F, and didn't realize that while the bread should be backing at 450F, my oven was likely running around 500F.

[Thoughts Before Bed]

Yes, I have thoughts about what happened today. Led to a lot of introspection I wouldn't have had a few months ago. Funny how things change when you make life and perspective changes

And no, I don't have conspiracy theories. Not even entertaining them. Right now, I'm more worried about copycat incidents.

Can't tell if my bread is burned, or just very whole wheat. We'll find out in the morning.

"Hey, look!" She said trying to not doomscroll or get into CNN News Junkie Mode.

I got the Atari 800XL up and running! Just seeing it boot up and the keys register was good. Getting software to run from a flashcard was a little dicier, but I got most of it working.

I'm not sure if I can stream from it, though. The real-time video encoder I use does NOT like the video signal, showing it as a black and white semi-scrambled video signal (almost like composite video over component). But it does show it live making it easy to play games.
My elgato shows it fine, but there's a 1 second delay between what the Atari outputs and when it shows on screen making it impossible to play action games.

I think I did this before with my VCR and pumping a signal through composite to an encode AND coax to a TV. I'll figure something out.

Now...well, can't put off CNN News Junkie mode forever....

[Music Before Bed]

I am many different musical songs at any given time. This is one I wish I was more often:

Sometimes you don't realize how fucked up someone treated you until you hear yourself explaining it others.

Me:(sees "NSFW" tag)
Ah, of course. "North, South Feast West"


Someone mapped 3-digit web server error codes to phone number area codes. I grew up in Expectation Failed. Why they gotta call me out like that?

7-11 US new snack offerings 

Heard a rumor that 7-11 is planning to make some of their Japanese offerings available in the US, including ramen and onigiri

I have wanted this for so long

my friend found the most cursed thing (cw: food, cursed) 

yes that is smores ramen

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.