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Coca-Cola has been hiding "astronomical levels" of profit in tax havens to shield it from the IRS, a judge found.

They now have to start paying back $16 billion in taxes — enough to wipe out a year and a half in profits.

It's time for every big corporate tax offender to pay up.

I just ate a whole bunch of bacon. If I should die of bacon, please bury me with more bacon.

Transition Lesson #9723

Since day one of my transition, I used a liquid foundation for makeup. It was the same kind Steph used. I shouldn't have used that specific one as she is lighter skinned than I am and I ended up looking like I was wearing a mask. But I didn't know better so I just used it for decades.

About ten years ago, my mother suggested another foundation stick that was much closer to my skin tone. While I didn't know how to apply it, I'd watched my mom put it on in the rear view mirror of the car enough times to figure it out.

I finally ran out of that foundation a few weeks ago, and found out that that specific color was discontinued. Mom instead sent me some powder foundation she used. I'd never used powdered founation before. I don't remember any of my friends using it, sent it with a brush. So I used the brush to brush it on. Wasn't too happy with the results.

Yesterday, while getting ready for a meeting, I opened the foundtation case, and it slipped out of my hand. Turns out the foundation had ANOTHER hinge and inside was a sponge. I was supposed to use THAT. And I tried it, and it worked beautifully.

I'd never used that foundation before, so didn't know that's how you applied it. Still learning things twenty five years later. :)

New body, who dis?

Finally moved out of the Zelda and Zelda-edited avatars at got one that is a little more "me." She's still not perfect...she's a bit curvier than I'd like (I prefer being slender), she's got a bit of a babyface. But as a friend said, very few of us are happy with our bodies.

Those nails have GOT to go, though.

While the mesh and textures were pre-made, I had to learn how to attach the textures to the mesh, as well as the different types of textures, and learning how to create dynamic bones to make the hair move. Took a few hours over about a week. But I learned a LOT doing it.

The problem with hitting the ground running is that the day flies by faster than you know.

Unpopular Opinion: I prefer the movie soundtrack to The Who's Tommy over the album.

UPDATE: Comic found! I was totally misremembering this as a three panel comic where thery're in bed. Which explains why I could never find it!

Quick question for The Internet.

I seem to remember a Calvin and Hobbes strip where they're in bed and Calvin asks "what's the meaning of life?" Hobbes responds "to eat each other...Goodnight!"

I can't find this anywhere. Was it real strip?

This song from the late 70s, about events from the early 1910s, suddenly feels very releveant in 2024.

And the music is good, too:

Hey, you wanna see the Star Trek: The Motion Picture 2022 Director's Edition? It's available for free at YouTube for a limited time:

You should go watch it. It's very good. I'll wait.

Guess who (digitally) regenerated?

The Zelda avvie in Resonite was always just a placeholder until I found something better. After a friend figured out how to darken my skin, and get longer hair, I stuck with the Zelda avatar a bit longer.

I found an avvie I quite liked a few weeks ago, and downloaded it. She was a bit...curvier...than I expected...and after applying all the textures, needed to skin tone tweaks to look more like me. And Once I put the sweater on her, her figure toned down more to my liking. Still would prefer the more slender Zelda figure, though....

I need to remove the talon fingernails in Blender, but otherwise, I'm pretty happy with the new body. I'll miss the Zelda one, but that's Zelda, not me. This is closer to me. :)

Back to Resonite and Second Life for some serious stay-cation relaxation....

::whew:: Down to just 6 To-Dos to catch up on. 5 once the sun goes down. Catching up on the last two weeks is happening....

Please stop calling Trump "Donnie." Do not ruin the One True Donnie for me:

Did you know if you have a SodaStream machine and you accidentally add more carbonation to it you get a Mentos & Coke style soda water geyser?


Just for the record: I cannot actually stuff my whole hand in my mouth.

But my Chun-Li game is devastating.

Interviewer: "What are your qualifications for this position?"

Candidate 1: "I was a small business owner for several years, bachelor's degree in chemical sciences, and volunteer with the girl scouts."

Candidate 2: "Rotary Club member, was an advisor to the governor of North Dakota on arthritic medicines."

Jenn: "I got second place in a Street Fighter Tournament with Chun Li in 1994. I can fit my my whole hand in my mouth."

Be the ancient advanced alien race you want to see in the universe.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.