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Yay! Jules is now a permanent resident of Gerudo Town. My personal head canon for Breath of the Wild was that Jules is trans, and now in Tears of the Kingdom, she's a resident.

More cleaning the freezer out. Barbacoa! Or outside of Texas, tacos de cabeza.

Also, here's my new griddle. I've retired the comal until I get the crack repaired and...well...I learn better how to take care of cast iron.

Thirdly, I love flour tortillas. I like the 50/50 flour/corn tortillas. I cannot STAND pure corn tortillas. EXCEPT in barbacoa tacos. Only way to eat them.

Possible Plot Spoilers for Tears of the Kingdom 

When the trailers for the game came out, showing off some of the story, I had an inking that the story was going into a dark place. The more I play this, the more I think this Princess Zelda story is going into a very very very dark place.

Spoilers for Tears of the Kingdom 

So I knew I was gonna go see the Gerudo today, and I was gonna power through somehow, which is why I ended running through all 25 Zelda amiibo to stock up. Went up the lighthouse in Kara Kara Oasis, and flew straight for Gerudo town.

When I didn't make it the whole way, I took off all my clothes for heat resistance (which didn't 100% work as I still took damage), ate a meal that gave me extra hearts (ate a meal which gave me some heat resistance), and straight up dead reckoned through the sand shroud (which wasn't easy as they put a rift in there now to keep you from, well, dead reckoning).

AND I MADE IT. Nothing's gonna keep me out of Gerudo Town. :)

Tears of the Kingdom isn't easy at all, but it is easier if you remember all your Breath of the Wild knowledge to keep you alive (eat eat eat).

Burning off some of my frozen meals to save money on groceries. Today's dinner? MENUDO.

I realize Nintendo isn't beholden to my personal headcanon, but making such a big deal of Link being the only voe allowed in Gerudo town...AND some of the disdain he gets for that...makes me kinda sad.

Almost like being personally misgendered....

So I maxed out the amount of meals I could hold. Plus un-degraded weapons? Even once a day, TWENTY FIVE amiibo is not fair.

#26 is on its way.

Purah's all grown up! I wonder how many years have passed since BOTW or if she's using the runes to correct her age. I love that she still does the finger-eye-gesture thingy.....

Spoilers for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom 

Is it just me? Or did Zelda's Blood Moon speech sound less like concern and more like a threat? O_o;

...have i mentioned i'm afraid of heights...cause...that's a...long......way......doooooooooooooooooooooooown.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.