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::Whew:: Busy BUSY day today, House cleaned, dishes done, and all my meals for the next week cooked. Gonna be eating good this week. I think....

Got some work to do in the morning. One of the two jobs I have right now. Not really jobs. More like "tasks."

Life is getting busy these days. Hopes that means things are picking up job-wise....

@cubeyterra - it's funny! The snack bags are there! Along with a used pizza box, juice boxes, and old used plates!

Finally happy with my room in EmuVR. It's wierd how nostalgic you can get when you play games in a virtual version of your childhood. :)

Aparrently this was a very limited time offer in VRChat. I would absolutely love a Bridget avatar for Resonite....

Sorry about the X link, it's the only place that has video of her.

Idea for a start-up: "Theirs" & "Theirs" lilac towels. 🤔

I'm gonna make millions. 😏

No, I'm not going to google it. Too busy thinking on more important things like what I'm naming the company, pricing and influencer sponsorships.


Please observe the tinyness of this bunny that apparently was born in our garden recently


Look what came in the mail today!

In typical Jenn fashion, I've had this all of ten minutes and dropped something on it.

@Mondobizarrro - Oh yeah. There was GOOD reason for the flip.

Wish some folks would just give it up, though.

I find it funny that twenty years ago, one side of the population was all "Harry Potter is Satanic" and the other side was "It's a charming kids story" and twenty years later the sides switched pretty hard.

@socketwench - Nononono. Hear me out.

Hadn't thought about this Sesame Street short in decades. "I'm crowded, roll over" just popped up in my head last night, and I needed to find the rest of the song....

This is the "I Helped With This" portion of my memory shelf. There's going to be something new here soon.

Can't talk about it yet, but it's my second paid writing job. ❤

@JoscelynTransient - I blame two things for this.

One is the huge conservative backlash to corporations putting a pride spin on anything.

Secondly, I think they saw a lot of the "this is just performative" complaints (which it totally is), and decided "well, you don't want this, and it's a problem from the conservatives, why bother?"

I'm actually someone who wants to encourage the Pride stuff, even if it's performative. To me, it means that we're accepted enough to be pandered to like they pander to pretty much anyone else. We're now safe enough to sell to.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.