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Made some Struan Bread, but forgot a couple of ingredients and it was done far quicker than I expected so no eggwash topping, so no pics of This Week's Bread. But it's pretty good. :D

The Presidency was always meant to be an equal power alongside Congress and the Supreme Court. And most of all, the President was never meant to be above the law. The changing of the presidency towards kingship, begun in the Nixon administration, is now here.

So, I assume that like hockey, once Pride season ends in a few days we start the Pride draft for next year?

::shouts from the rooftops::

Closetspace #361
"Jenn's Favorite Song"

Granted, this comic shouldn't have taken four years to make. But the last decade has kind of been hell....

@socketwench - " Sha-Ka-Ree... the source... Heaven... Eden... call it what you will. The Klingons call it 'Qui-Tu.' And the Romulans...well it's 'Vorta Vor.' The Andorian word is... is nigh on unpronouncable. But I tell ya what, every good man in this town what has a dream, well...he has a hankering for a place from which we all got made. Well, that place is just over yonder."

This Week's Fancy Pants Meal: Meatballs Niezgocki

I has this at a Christmas LGBT Potluck last year, and it was FANTASTIC to the point I had to seek out who made it and grab the recipe. Turns out, it's SUPER simple with one exception: You need a crock pot.

I don't have one, and seeing as this was the first time I needed one, I don't really need to get one. But I did need to find a substitute. After finding a site that told you how to "convert" crock pot instructions to dutch oven instructions, I ended up burning the heck out of them last week.

This week, though, I just followed the crock pot instructions instead of the conversion, and they came out GREAT. They're a bit of a carb-bomb, though, so be careful. :)

# Meatballs Niezgocki

Lindsey Niezgocki
16.0 servings

26.0 oz frozen meatballs
18.0 oz Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce
15.0 oz grape jelly

1 - Whisk the jam and BBQ sauce until it has a smooth consistency.
2 - Add the meatballs to a crock pot, or a Dutch oven.
3 - Pour in the jam/BBQ sauce.
4 - If using a crock pot, set to high. If using a Dutch oven, preheat your oven to 225F before putting it in.
5 - Cook in a crock pot or oven for 6 hours.
6 - Put the meatballs in their serving plates.
7 - Whisk the sauce to recombine, and drizzle on meatballs.

Makes 16 (Jenn-safe) servings at ~37.5g per serving.
Calories 262
Total Fat 9g
Total Carbohydrate 36g
Protien 7g

@Mondobizarrro - My school started with Apple IIe, but moved to Atari 800XL in my later years. We were back on Apples in middle school and eventually I moved onto PCs.

We can fight for a better and more equitable future for everyone AND VOTE. This isn't an either/or, you need to do both. This isn't about idealism, it's about survival for a large amount of people. I get it, I don't love it either, but a good amount of life is choosing the lesser of two evils, there are no utopias. Maybe you're lucky, and come from a place of privilege, and Trump being President won't really effect you, but here's a group of people who will be affected:

People of Color
Poor People

Just got the PDF version of the new Hero's Cookbook. IT'S A HALF GIG AND ALMOST 300 PAGES.

Oh, I'm gonna be eating good next week....

You know you're dehydrated when you're asleep and while you're dreaming and a doctor comes out of nowhere and tells you, "You need some water, Jenn. It'll fix a lot of your problems."

"And this ain't a good sequel like Paddington 2.
"It's more like we're watching the Temple of Doom.
"No this ain't the Empire Strikes Back.
"It's the time you tried to reheat your Big Mac."

As part of testing my physical Atari800XL I installed an 800XL emualtor to make sure what I'm seeing on screen matches what I see on the system.

I have seen this text a million times, but I've only seen it like this during classes in the early 80s. Just the font shapes were enough to trigger that nostalgia feeling.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.