Windstorms really affect my town all wierd. When we had that big Bomb Cyclone, with the worst winds in decades, nothing here in town (other than power outages).
Today, where the winds are up but "nothing like the bomb cyclone from last month" and there have been two wind gusts that have shaken the house, and the trees are getting a good shaking all day.
"It's been happening since the accident," he said, sitting up in the psychiatrist's couch. "They said it was likely due to the head trauma, and it's frankly disturbing the hell out of me."
The doctor sat up in his seat, straightening his glasses. "These are the visual hallucinations you'd mentioned?"
"Exactly. It would be more understandable if they made more sense. What always happens is things turn into cheap chocolate candy, right before my eyes. Cars slither down the road like great tubular serpents, people bounce like great brown ribbons down the sidewalks. Hell, I was holding my newborn baby the other night and he became a squalling, squirming column of candy in my arms. I startled so bad I almost dropped him."
"So what you're saying is..."
"Whatever it is I think I see, becomes a Tootsie Roll to me."
"My God."
The Fisher Space Pen did NOT cost NASA millions of dollars to develop.
It cost them $0. FISHER put in the R&D money on that.
NASA only bought the pens as off-the-shelf products. They are nice pens.
And while the Russians DID "use pencils", they didn't really like them, and adopted the pens.
See, inhaling graphite dust and wood shavings in freefall is not that healthy.
There are a LOT of stories about "government waste" that are basically just bullshit, like this one. Be aware.
@socketwench - I remember when Dark Crystal came out, it was meant to be "puppetries big break" in movies, so that it would be taken seriously. It still ended up being a kids movie.
I think Labyrinth is another attempt at that, but they aimed a little lower. Instead of trying to be a high art piece, they aimed at adults and kids to make a mainstream fantasy movie, and it failed to make it big when neither audience was really into it.
I don't remember Labyrinth being popular until it came out on home video.
@socketwench - One of the big things with me is that I have a very high "bullshit meter" when it comes to movies. It usually quiets down with Sci-Fi, but Fantasy will make it go off constantly.
I'm not sure why, but Labyrinth is one of the few movies where it stays pretty quiet. I think it's because it starts pretty grounded and gets wierder as time goes on, instead of diving you into the fantasy straight up.
@socketwench - I will watch it for Sarah's outfit.
One more piece of immersion for retrogaming both in Retroarch and EmuVR! Atari now makes a full on Wireless Atari Joystick, so as a "I Got The Job" present, I picked one up. And it works great, but even better, it comes with an adapter I can use on my 45+ year old Atari 2600!
My NES Controller does double duty as a TurboGrafx controller, and my Genesis one also acts as a controller for the 3DO. I just realized while packing I have a PSX Classic controller, which should work better for PS1 games than the DualShock, since it's missing the analog segment. I'd still use the PS2 controller for PS2 games.....
Artist for Closetspace and A Wish for Wings
Creative Text Writer for MTG: Universes Beyond
Writer for Sea of Legends
One enchilada short of a Mexican Platter