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So some of the last things I've bought before the layoff are starting to trickle in. One of them was the FINAL piece to the puzzle of getting my 5.1 surround system to work as true 5.1.

That said, I'm still a little dissapointed with sound, but I think it just is what it is. Mostly in how tinny it occasionally sounds. To test the setup, I used ST:TMP's Director Edition and specifically played the Wormhole and V'Ger probe scenes, and they sounded excellent. Good bass, lots of direction in the sound.

But in the quieter scenes, everything felt a little flat and tinny. If I switched over to 2.1, though, suddenly there was a lot more bass. I'm guessing cause in 5.1, the subwoofer plays ONLY stuff going to the subwoofer, where in 2.1 it plays everything below a specific frequency, regardless of what speaker it's supposed to go to.

Not a problem with the movie, really just me being spoiled with really heavy bass I'm used to and MAYBE some cheapie-ish speakers.

That said, the THX logo in full 5.1 is mindblowing.

Had a longer evening in Redmond, and spent far more money on tires than I expected, that I finally decided to treat myself while I could. Family Pancake House was closing by the time I left the tire place, so IHOP it was.

I don't think I've had one of their hot chocolates since I was a kid.

Dear Lungs,

Right now I know you're coughing like crazy. I know you're begging foir Nyquil and inhalers. I really REALLY want to give them to you right now.

But I have a pulmonology test tomorrow. And you know, I REALLY want you at your worst so they can freakin' figure out what's wrong with y'all.

Just bear with me, okay? I'll bring Dayquil along with me and the minute we're done with the appointment we're gonna swig down all the Dayquil we can manage, Just keep coughing for now, 'kay?

These last forty eight hours are seriously taxing my ability to stay cool under pressure.

Sitting in a Discount Tire Company lobby waiting on a new set of tires (best get them while I can afford them) and there's a girl in here making the most adorable mewling noises....

Stop normalizing the grind and start normalizing whatever this is.

me thriving in my latest zero-covid getup after i find sufficient & satisfying information on the efficacy of 405nm

At my local library, a little girl dropped her library books into the ‘return’ slot, waved and shouted “GOODBYE BOOKS, HAVE A GOOD DAY AT SCHOOL!” and my heart grew three sizes 🥺

Try turning the House of Representatives off and on and see if that works.

my favorite part is how incredibly TMSy it is


My favorite part of this Japanese CN bumper is that George Jetson actually recoils when he sees anime on the TV. LOL!


Do not hang your head if you have failed to live up to the expectations of others. Shame is for when you have knowingly done wrong, for when you have acted selfishly, for when you been dishonorable. An honest effort is a source of pride, of honor. You are worthy of it.

A terrifying bill was just dropped in the late night hours in Oklahoma that would medically detransition all trans people up to age 26.

I called this would happen months ago - states are moving towards outright elimination.

Subscribe to support my work.

#trans #transrights #transgender #translegislation #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia

*scratches head* doesn't this mean he's winning


I couldn't help it! #McCarthy


The term "dark web" was invented in 2007 by Joe Google in an effort to sell more search engines


New bill introduced in Oklahoma would make it a felony to provide gender affirming care to anyone under the age of 26.


It won't stop until they ban transition entirely. They'll just keep increasing the age. It was never about children.


McCarthy has now lost 11 Speaker votes, and there's no sign of anything changing.

But here's the part that really gets me.

Republicans—who won 2 presidencies with fewer votes, filibustered dozens of popular bills while representing 20M fewer Americans, and appointed 3 SCOTUS justices contrary to the will of the majority of Americans—are upset that 20 ultra-MAGAs are holding 200 MAGAs hostage.

I guess they don't like the FO stage of FA ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.