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So, a new low for job searching? Pre-recorded interviews.

I already don't like essentially retyping my entire resume in your application when you ask for my resume to begin with, but I've now had two applications where they've asked me to record video responses to interview questions as part of the application.

Currently drawing the line at that. I'm really hoping, though, that it doesn't become common practice....

“Parents rights” is code for “my children are my property and I want to break them down and mold them into my image.” It shouldn’t shock anyone that this what right-wing evangelicals want. After all, it’s the entire basis of their religious beliefs: you were made in “the father’s image” but you’re a horrible sinner who strays and needs to be punished. Let God break you down until you only need and want him. It’s so abusive.

There was once a dream of a decentralised web.

As recently as a decade ago we had a still very active blogosphere, connected via blogrolls and RSS. Specialised web forums were still mainstream and messenger apps could largely interoperate.

Centralised social media slowly ate that dream. It had plenty of positives, but it pulled more and more people away from the open web and into corporate walled gardens.

Some people kept the dream of decentralisation alive. And now you are here.

Texas has the strongest stand your ground laws in the country. Perry’s stand your ground defense failed. That should tell you something.

Even the courts in Texas did not believe that this was self-defense. The jury unanimously did not believe it was self-defense. In spite of that Abbott immediately says he is going to pardon the guy. In other words, in Abbott’s Texas and other Republican states, kill a protester and get out of jail free. That's what he's encouraging.

I don’t think any amount of testing would satisfy this judge. By the time it was approved in the US, it already had more safety data backing it than most else the FDA approves.

The Republicans on the SCOTUS made a radical judgement, and were either ignorant to the extent it would cause chaos in American life or they knew full well and support it.

Hope someone’s learned something.

If you’re concerned about @GregAbbott_TX’s intent to seek pardon of a murderer who not only thought it was ok to kill a protester — but actually planned it — you need to read this from Austin’s own local alternative paper, @AustinChronicle.

at a minimum check ups every 6 month and emergency dental healthcare should be included (w/o maximum) in regular basic universal healthcare

Recently, I uploaded a video from Bell Laboratories, Inc. featuring the first example of synthesized computer speech. Regrettably, this was the first upload of mine to receive a copyright violation. However, this was not due to the content of the record itself, but rather due to someone who had sampled parts of the record and used them in their own song. As far as I understood, YouTube's copyright and content ID match requires original creations that do not contain samples from another recording.

I conducted research to determine who now owned all of Bell Labs' patents and copyrights and discovered that it was Nokia. I was able to submit a form for licensing requests via their website and explained the nature of my channel and the copyright problem I had encountered while trying to showcase their record on YouTube.

To my pleasant surprise, Nokia was incredibly accommodating and granted me a no-charge lifetime license, on the condition that I add the message "Courtesy of Nokia Corporation and AT&T Archives" to the video, which I was more than willing to do.

Unfortunately, this process required me to edit the video and re-upload it. However, it is now up once again, and the copyright has been filed with the claimant, including all details of the license I received from Nokia.

#Telephone #Nokia #AT&T #YouTube #Video #Record #Vinyl

to be fair you need to have a really high IQ to despise every second of being alive

IT'S A JOB SKILL?! I need to get this on my resume ASAP....

The last three Sunday Night Movies have been the Ghostbusters movies (1, 2 and week is the 2016 Movie).

One thing I'm glad that never changed in those four movies (and even the cartoon) are the visual and sound effects for the Proton beams. I love how energetic and wild they look, but also the sound effects. Lots of wild sounding thuds and and sizzles everywhere.

Kinda glad they didn't go for a stock sound, and glad that sound hasn't really shown up anywhere else outside of Ghostbusters.

A little-known fact about Mastodon is that when you move your account, it gets put on a truck and then shipped to the new server. Here, for instance, are users employing I-195 to move between servers.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.