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If you're shocked TX Gov Abbot is planning to pardon Daniel Perry for murdering a man at a peaceful BLM march—just remember—TX is the state that sentenced a Black woman to 5 years for an uncounted ballot, but not a white male judge for deliberate voter fraud—in the same County. TX sentenced a Black kid to 10 years for punching & killing 1 person, but not an affluent white teen for getting drunk & killing 4—they had the same judge

Texas GOP has proudly chosen fascism over democracy. Believe them

Woke up, turned on my phone, IMMEDIATE Picard spoiler.

Guess I'll watch it now before I move on with the day, just in case there's any more....

"Nebraska’s rules regarding filibusters... [allow] for sitting and bathroom breaks... This means that Cavanaugh is on the floor for up to 12 hours a day, which she described in a recent interview with NPR as 'mentally and emotionally tiring...'"

A Nebraska Senator Has Spent Seven Straight Weeks Filibustering an Anti-Trans Bill | Them

From Michael Che's Instagram at

"ya kno.. a lot of people are not drinking bid light, cause the company used a trans person in their ad.. and these mostly right wing bud light customers have tossed all their bud lights in the trash in a blind rage.. and it got me ta'thinkin.. just hear me out.. what if we got trans people...hear me out.. to do ads for guns..?"

TIL the O'Reilly blog is called "O'Reilly Radar" and that just tickles me

One of the places I visited back during the ST:TMP movie premiere. That whole trip was kind of a pilgrimage...not just to ST:TMP, but the original series, Babylon 5 (I visited the old studio site), Jim Morrison's old apartment and even a location from Will Pharrell's Happy video.

So, because Llano County can't ban books, they're looking at closing the library altogether. I've been to Llano. Good bar-be-cue. Bad decisions.

I'm craving a pizza, but not like...a GOOD pizza..but like a pizza with bad pasty gummy cheese.

I like sweet cornbread.

There, I said it. I'm a terrible Texan.

No love from Wordle these last two days....

Wordle 661 X/6


"I'm getting worried about you, Jenn. You've been alone in that apartment for two years now, and now you're not even working...."
"Oh, don't worry about me. EVERYTHING'S FiIiIIIIIiiiIine."

Yes, a SECOND mega-bundle to help me cover medical bills. Totally different products than Bundle #1! More than 80 products from 16 different companies, a greater than $700 value, all for just $34.95.
Spreading the word is a HUGE help.

I’m here on mastodon looking to meet people who like nature, making things, and are interested in being curious and amazed. Pls say hi if that’s you!

I’m in western Washington in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, bumping around the woods and beaches or in the garden or art studio

I’m interested in and posting about plants, ceramics, gardening, nature, words, science and the arts. Possibility of off-color humor and left-wing politics.

#introduction #newhere #art #gardening #nature #pottery

“Mastodon has been one of the biggest beneficiaries of Twitter’s ongoing meltdown, and since I started seriously using it late last year, it’s won me over.”

So, you know that whole fad of realistic cakes? Last night, I dreamed of realistic radishes. Not cakes that look like radishes. But radishes that look like things. Including...radishes.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.